Why Python?

Pavel Panchekha

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Why use Python for Web Browser Engineering?

Why not C, C++, or Rust?

All existing browsers are written in C++, with maybe a little bit of Rust sneaking in these days. Browsers need to be as fast as possible, and using Python is slower for minimal benefit.

That’s true, but the browser of Web Browser Engineering is not going to be fast. Its Javascript engine is bytecode interpreted, its rendering engine is Tk’s canvas, and its parsers are hand-coded. In fact, there’s a benefit to being slow: some important optimizations wouldn’t be necessary if the browser were much faster. My toy browser is very simple and readers are likely to test it on small pages. For example, the chapter on Drawing to the Screen implements clipping for a visible impact even on moderately-sized pages. But if the code were written in C against Harfbuzz, instead of in Python against Tk, that optimization wouldn’t make a noticable impact until the browser became much more graphically complex. That may be good for usability, but it’s bad for pedagogy.

Writing good C, C++, and Rust also means carefully handling all errors, because errors cause compiler errors or mysterious runtime behaviors. But while error handling is essential on the web, it’s not a focus of Web Browser Engineering because exhaustive error handling should only come after understanding the underlying algorithms being implemented. And in some cases, key concepts are purposely ignored in the book. For example, there’s no discussion of character encodings—utf8 is used any time one is needed. But utf8 decoding can throw errors! Being forced to handle those errors is important in a production browser, but would get in the way of explaining networking in the book.

Finally, systems languages usually present more details than helpful. Rust has how many string types? Which is still better than C’s count of zero! And string processing is a big part of the book. Similarly, large, mutable, interlinked data structures are a big part of the browser, and deciding ownership or memory management for those is difficult. I wouldn’t want readers to be writing unsafe code or handling use-after-free errors.

Why not Javascript?

Writing a book on web browsers seems like a great opportunity to use web technologies to improve the book. For example, why not write the browser in JavaScript? It could draw to a <canvas>, and those could be included in-line with the text. Readers could modify code snippets, and have the modifications automatically run against a set of tests. Graphics and figures could be generated directly from a running browser, and could allow deeper explorations into the browser. Finally, JavaScript has native support far beyond Python: could Web Browser Engineering implement a compositing rendering engine using WebGL, for example?

Yet technical details sour me on JavaScript. Were the browser written in JavaScript, the browser code and the code on web pages themselves would look similar. Running JavaScript would be easier, thanks to eval, but making sure eval’d code didn’t affect the surrounding page would be harder, and in any case the resulting page-browser interop would look nothing like it does in a browser. Using Web Workers or a similar API would make isolation easier, but would introduce a multi-process messaging model that again looks nothing like existing browsers.

Networking likewise couldn’t use raw HTTP, so this important aspect of the browser couldn’t be covered, and network requests would be subject to the same-origin policy. That could be avoided with some kind of proxy, but then the book would either have to explain that or accept the proxy as magic. Introducing magic is exactly what this book doesn’t want to do, especially so early!

Finally, the book purposely sticks to a restricted subset of Python both for readability and for ease of translation to other languages. When I teach from Web Browser Engineering I do require students to use Python,I didn’t do this in the past, but I found that changing languages also pushed students to change the browser architecture, for example making things more immutable or changing where state is stored, and those changes would inevitably make later chapters much harder. Web Browser Engineering can look simple, but go off the beaten path and you get stuck easily! but I try to avoid using anything too Python-specific, or I do so only when the readability benefits are large and translation to another langauge is reasonably clear. (List comprehensions fall into this bucket.)

None of this is to say that a browser can’t be written in JavaScript; in fact, one of my students last year did just that, even implementing the Canvas API in his browser so that it could self-host. The result was very cool, but it did require elaborate workarounds to the issues above.

Why not Go, Java, Swift, Ruby? Or Racket, Dart, Haskell?

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It has an extensive universe of libraries (which readers can use for testing or extending their toy browser), a built-in cross-platform UI framework, and a concision and readability that make the book work even if the reader isn’t coding as they read. Most alternatives to Python fail one of those tests. Plus, I like Python.

As to the more obscure options, I’m certainly not opposed to obscure languages, and most of work over the last decade has been in Lisp variants like Racket. But with more obscure languages readability suffers heavily as readers struggle to understand the language itself. Obscure languages also seem to consistently lack good facilities for manipulating strings, something Python excells at and which is a big part of the book. Finally, functional languages tend to fight against large, mutually-linked, mutable data structures, yet the layout engine of a browser is all about that. That makes those languages further impede readability, and moreover in the most important and complex chapters.