Saving Partial Layouts

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Our little browser now renders pages that change. That means it’s now laying out the page multiple times. That translates to a lot of wasted work: a page doesn’t usually change much, and layout is expensive. So in this chapter we’ll modify our browser to reuse as much as it can between layouts.

Profiling our browser

Before we start speeding up our browser, let’s confirm that layout is taking up a lot of time, and what is taking up the timeYou should always benchmark code before jumping to conclusions!. And before that, let’s list out everything our browser does. First, on initial load:

And then every time it does layout:

Finally, every time it renders the page, the browser:

I’d like to measure how long each of these phases takes. You could use a profiler, but that would provide a breakdown by function. We’re more interested in a breakdown per phase. So let’s make a Timer class to report how long each phase took.

import time

class Timer:
    def __init__(self):
        self.phase = None
        self.time = None

    def start(self, name):
        if self.phase: self.stop()
        self.phase = name
        self.time = time.time()

    def stop(self):
        dt = time.time() - self.time
        print("[{:>10.6f}] {}".format(dt, self.phase))
        self.phase = None

That wacky string in the print statement is a Python “format string” so that the time is right-aligned, ten characters wide, and has six digits after the decimal point. Using Timer is pretty easy. First we define a timer field in our browser:

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.timer = Timer()

Then we call start every time we start one of the phases above. For example, in load, I start the Downloading phase:


Then, at the end of render, I stop the timer:


Your results may not match mine,These results were recorded on a 2019 13-inch MacBook Pro with a 2.4GHz i5, 8 GB of LPDDR3 memory, and an Intel Iris Plus graphics 655 with 1.5 GB of video memory, running macOS 10.14.6 and Python 3.8.5 and Tk 8.5. but here’s what I saw on my console on a full page load for this web page.

[  0.333341] Downloading
[  0.023406] Parsing HTML
[  0.406265] Parsing CSS
[  0.131022] Running JS
[  0.023172] Style
[  0.722214] Layout
[  0.113295] Display list
[  0.005794] Painting
[  0.003216] Chrome

The overall process takes about 1.76 seconds (105 frames), with layout consuming the largest portion. Moreover, consider that the first four phases (totalling 0.89 seconds) only happen on initial load, so they only run once per page.The “Parsing CSS” and “Running JS” phases include downloading those scripts, which is why they seem to take so long. The actual parsing step is very fast, though real web browsers take pains to optimize their parsers, especially for JS-heavy sites where the parser needs to finish before the website does anything. And the final two steps, which run every time you scroll, take less than a frame, so scrolling is smooth. But style, layout, and display list generation together—the steps that run when the page changes, whether due to JavaScript or just from typing in an input area—take 0.86 seconds or over 50 frames!

You can get a good feel for this latency by typing into an input box on a large web page. Compare it to typing into the address bar; typing the address bar doesn’t run layout, and it feels fluid and fast, whereas for the input box you need to type fairly slowly to avoid the browser freezing up and drawing multiple letters at a time.

Layout needs to be faster. And the same problem exists in real web browsers too.Of course they’re also not written in Python… In fact, networking and parsing in a real web browser are similar enough to our toy version,Granted with caching, keep-alive, parallel connections, and incremental parsing to hide the delay… while layout is much more complex, so the need to speed up layout is correspondingly even greater.Now is a good time to mention that benchmarking a real browser is a lot harder than benchmarking ours. A real browser will run most of these phases simultaneously, and may also split the work over multiple CPU and GPU processes. Counting how much time everything takes is a chore. Real browsers are also memory hogs, so optimizing their memory usage is also important!

By the way, this might be the point in the book where you realize you accidentally implemented something inefficiently. If something other than the network, parsing, or layout is taking a long time, look into it.The exact speeds of each of these phases can vary, and depend on the exercises you implemented and the operating system you’re using, so don’t sweat the details as long as layout is the slowest phase. If layout isn’t the bottleneck, this chapter won’t help!

Relative positions

How can we make layout faster? Well, consider typing into an <input> field. Yes, the web page itself changes, but it does not exactly change much, and that’s the key here. Most changes to a web page are local, whether that means local to a single input field or local to a single HTML element whose children were changed via innerHTML. When the page is reflowed—laid out after the initial layout—the sizes of most elements on the page stay the same. We will leverage this fact to avoid recomputing the layout of most elements.

To do that, we must split layout into two phases. The first phase will compute widths and heights for each element; when an element changes, only it, its children, and its ancestors need to run this phase. The second phase will then compute the absolute positions of each element. This second phase will run on every element (since one element changing size might move other elements around), but it’ll be fast enough that that won’t take much time.

The layout function will thus become two. The width and height computation will be in a function called size; the position computation will be in a function called position. The size function will also compute auxiliary fields like the margin, border, and padding fields.

I’ll start with block layout to understand this split better. Look at how a block’s x and y positions are computed. Recall that in general, a layout object’s parent sets its x and y, and then that layout object adjusts them to account for margins and sets x and y values for its own children before calling their layout function.

Now, we’ll want to move that code into its position method:

class BlockLayout:
    def position(self):
        self.y +=
        self.x +=

        y = self.y +
        for child in self.children:
            child.x = self.x + +
            child.y = y
            y += + child.h + child.mb

Note that position only invokes the children’s position method. We need to make size call their size method. Rename the old layout method to size, remove the loop at the end, and replace it with this:

class BlockLayout:
    def size(self):
        self.children = []
        # ...
        self.h = 0
        for child in self.children:
            self.h += + child.h + child.mb

Examine these size and position methods carefully. Check that the size method neither reads nor writes to any layout object’s x and y fields, and that it only invokes size on other layout objects. Check also that the position method writes to the x and y fields of the layout object’s children and then calls their position method. The upshot of this split is you can lay out a tree of layout objects by first calling size and then calling position.

One final subtlety: since the plan is to keep layout objects around between reflows, you can now longer rely on the constructor being run right before size is. So you’ll need to initialize the children field to the empty list at the top of size, instead of in the constructor. Make this change for InlineLayout as well!

More layout modes

Let’s review the layout object methods before moving on to other layout modes:

The constructor

This method should just set self.node and self.parent, and avoid doing anything else.


This method creates the child layout objects and computes the w and h fields. Plus, it calls size on its children. It may not read any layout object’s x or y fields, nor call any layout object’s position method.


This method must set the x and y fields any children, then call their position method.

Let’s move on to text, input, and line layout. I’ll save inline layout to the very end.

TextLayout and InputLayout have no children, so position has nothing to do. Rename the layout function to size and create an empty position function.

In LineLayout the layout function computes w and h in terms of max_ascent and max_descent, and then its children’s x and y values in terms of baseline. Let’s leave max_ascent and max_descent in the size method but move baseline and the loop over children to the position method.

class LineLayout:
    def size(self):
        self.w = self.parent.w
        if not self.children:
            self.h = 0
        self.metrics = [child.font.metrics() for child in self.children]
        self.max_ascent = max([metric["ascent"] for metric in self.metrics])
        self.max_descent = max([metric["descent"] for metric in self.metrics])
        self.h = 1.25 * (self.max_descent + self.max_ascent)

    def position(self):
        baseline = self.y + 1.25 * self.max_ascent
        cx = 0
        for child, metrics in zip(self.children, self.metrics):
            child.x = self.x + cx
            child.y = baseline - metrics["ascent"]
            cx += child.w + child.font.measure(" ")

Next, DocumentLayout. You can rename layout to size and move the lines that compute x and y to a new position function:

class DocumentLayout:
    def position(self):
        child = self.children[0]
        child.x = self.x = 0
        child.y = self.y = 0

Finally, inline layout. This is the most complex layout mode, and it computes positions and sizes in a couple of places:

We’re going to have to make some changes.

First, since w and h are computed in layout, let’s rename that method to size.

Now, you can’t read your y position in the size phase, since it’s only computed later on, in the position phase. So instead of initializing cy to self.y, let’s initialize it to 0 instead. Then to compute h, we won’t need to subtract off self.y.

class InlineLayout:
    def size(self):
        # ... = 0
        self.h =

Wait a minute… If h is just set to cy, why not just drop the cy field, and use h? Yeah, let’s do that:

class InlineLayout:
    def size(self):
        # ...
        self.h = 0

Next, inside the text and input methods, we create layout objects and call their layout method. Let’s change that to size. There’s no point calling their position method since it doesn’t do anything anyway.

Finally, the flush method creates new children, sets their x and y fields, and calls their layout method. We’ll need to split that. The flush method should just create children and call their size method:

class InlineLayout:
    def flush(self):
        child = self.children[-1]
        self.h += child.h
        self.children.append(LineLayout(self.node, self))

Then we’ll make a new position method that sets the children’s x and y fields and calls their position methods:

class InlineLayout:
    def position(self):
        cy = self.y
        for child in self.children:
            child.x = self.x
            child.y = cy
            cy += child.h

Now that all the layout objects have been updated, we should have one final layout method in the whole browser: the one on the Browser object itself. It now needs to call both size and position:

class Browser:
    def layout(self, tree):
        # ...
        self.timer.start("Layout (phase 1)")
        self.document = DocumentLayout(tree)
        self.timer.start("Layout (phase 2)")
        # ...

Take the time now to stop and debug. We’ve done a big refactoring, but we’re still calling both size and position any time anything changes, so now is a good time to flush out minor bugs and to read over every layout object’s size and position methods to check them over before we we make things more complicated by sometimes avoiding calls to size.

Balancing the phases

Time your browser again, now that layout is split into two phases:

[  0.026640] Style
[  0.585366] Layout (phase 1)
[  0.204182] Layout (phase 2)
[  0.113936] Display list

If you total these phases up, you get 0.93 seconds. Before this refactor, the style, layout, and display list phases took 0.86 seconds, which means the refactor made our browser a little slower.

That’s not too surprising: two phases mean we have to traverse the tree twice, and in a couple of places we now have to loop over all children in each phase. But this refactor wasn’t supposed to make our code faster. Our goal here is to make phase 1 layout much faster by running it on only some nodes, not all of them.

Let’s suppose that works, and phase 1 layout becomes much faster. For example, suppose it gets 100 times faster:

[  0.026640] Style
[  0.005853] Layout (phase 1)
[  0.204182] Layout (phase 2)
[  0.113936] Display list

Then the total amount of time our browser needs to reflow the page—that is, lay it out after a small change—will go from 0.93 seconds to 0.35 seconds. That’s quite a bit better! But it’s also a bit disappointing: we made the slowest thing 100 times faster, and reflow itself didn’t even get 3 times faster. This general phenomenon is called Amdahl’s law: as you speed up some component of a program, it becomes a smaller and smaller part of the program’s run time, and that means speed-ups in that component translate to smaller and smaller speed-ups to the program.

We want reflow to be as fast as possible. We can’t run phase 2 layout on fewer elements—since changes to one element can change the position of every other element—but we can try moving things from phase 2 to phase 1. Look through your layout objects’ position methods: are any doing unnecessary computation?

Well, looking them over, BlockLayout and InlineLayout just have a loop over their children to compute their y position—a bit of math, nothing else. DocumentLayout does even less. And TextLayout and InputLayout do nothing at all. But LineLayout’s position method is a bit different: it computes font measures and metrics in order to update the cx variable, and those font metrics take time to compute.

Luckily, the cx variable isn’t involved with any x and y positions at all. That means it could be computed in size instead. So let’s change LineLayout so that the cx variable is computed in phase 1, and just passed along to phase 2:

class LineLayout:
    def size(self):
        # ...
        cx = 0
        self.cxs = []
        for child in self.children:
            cx += child.w + child.font.measure(" ")

Then we can use self.cxs in position:

class LineLayout:
    def position(self):
        baseline = self.y + 1.25 * self.max_ascent
        for cx, child, metrics in \
          zip(self.cxs, self.children, self.metrics):
            child.x = self.x + cx
            child.y = baseline - metrics["ascent"]

Now the timings look a bit like this:

[  0.024881] Style
[  0.737944] Layout (phase 1)
[  0.002762] Layout (phase 2)
[  0.120213] Display list

Phase 1 layout is longer, but phase 2 is near-instantaneous,“Near-instantaneous‽ 2.454 milliseconds is almost 14% of our 16ms frame time budget! And then there’s the display list!” Yeah, uh, this is a toy web browser written in Python. Cut me some slack. and now if we manage to run phase 1 on fewer elements, reflow will be a lot faster. So let’s work on avoiding the first phase whenever we can.

Incrementalizing layout

The idea is simple, but the implementation will be tricky, because sometimes you do need to lay an element out again; for example, the element you hover over gains a border, and that changes its width and therefore potentially its line breaking behavior. So you may need to run size on that element. But you won’t need to do so on its siblings. The responsibilities of size and position, outlined above, will be our guide to what must run when.

Let’s plan. Look over your browser and list all of the places where layout is called. For me, these are:

Each of these needs a different approach:

We’ll need to split layout into pieces to satisfy the above. Let’s have a layout function, which is called on initial layout, and a reflow function that is called when the page changes, to fix up the layout. The layout function will create the document object, and ask to fix up that new object:

class Browser:
    def layout(self, tree):
        self.document = DocumentLayout(tree)

Meanwhile reflow will contain the steps of the old layout method: applying styles, calling size on the changed elements, and then calling position and draw on all elements:

class Browser:
    def reflow(self, obj):
        style(obj.node, obj.node.parent, self.rules)
        self.display_list = []
        self.max_y = self.document.h - HEIGHT

Note that style and size are called just on the layout object passed into reflow, while position and draw are called on the whole document. When the page is loaded, it’ll create the document object and call reflow to reflow the whole document. But later changes to the page can just invoke reflow with a particular layout object, and only that object will be styled and go through phase 1 layout.

Let’s go make those changes.

The load function doesn’t need any changes, because it calls layout, which does initial layout for the whole document.

In handle_click, we’re interested in the case where the user clicks on an input element, and we only need to reflow that input element:

def handle_click:
    # ...
    elif elt.tag == "input":
        elt.attributes["value"] = ""
        self.focus = obj
        return self.reflow(self.focus)
    # ...

Likewise in keypress:

def keypress(self, e):
    # ...
        self.focus.node.attributes["value"] += e.char
        self.dispatch_event("change", self.focus.node)

In js_innerHTML we don’t have a reference to the layout object lying around, but we can find it by traversing the tree:There is a subtlety in the code below. It’s important to check the current node before recursing, because some nodes have two layout objects, in particular block layout elements that contain text and thus have both a BlockLayout and an InlineLayout. We want the parent, and doing the check before recursing guarantees us that.

def layout_for_node(tree, node):
    if tree.node == node:
        return tree
    for child in tree.children:
        out = layout_for_node(child, node)
        if out: return out

def js_innerHTML(self, handle, s):
    # ...
    self.reflow(layout_for_node(self.document, elt))

With these changes, phase 1 layout is usually run on very few elements—if you’re typing into an input box, just one! The timings for typing into an input field now look something like this:

[  0.000042] Style
[  0.000023] Layout (phase 1)
[  0.002l37] Layout (phase 2)
[  0.118164] Display list

You can see that phase 1 layout takes a truly miniscule amount of time now, and if you try typing into a input box you’ll find that input is smooth and you can see each letter as you type it.

Tracking dependencies

Recall the general structure of our layout algorithm:

Width information flows from parent to child, while height information flows from child to parent.

We’re now only running width and height computations for some of our elements. Why is this OK? Let’s think it through to make sure we got it right.

Think about the subtree that changed, whether due to keypress or innerHTML or something else. It got its width from its parent—and that parent is unchanged. Every element in that tree computed its width based on that correct, unchanged parent width, so all the widths are correct. Then those widths impact heights all through the changed subtree, and those heights flow up until they reach node being reflowed.

But if that node’s height ended up changing—for example, because innerHTML gave it more or less content—we actually need that height to keep flowing up, to its unchanged parent and then that parent’s parent and so on. We’re not doing that, so we should have a bug if a node changes height.

Let’s try to reproduce the bug. We’ll need an HTML page like this:

<!doctype html>
<script src="test10.js"></script>
<div><button id="button">Click me</button></div>
<div><p id="test">Test</p></div>
<p>Example text which should go below the previous paragraph</p>

The idea is that clicking the button should change the page that makes the test paragraph much longer:

var button = document.querySelectorAll("#button")[0]
var test = document.querySelectorAll("#test")[0]
button.addEventListener("click", function() {
    test.innerHTML = "This is a lot of text that is going" +
        " to break over multiple lines, causing this test" +
        " paragraph to change height, which should be a" +
        " problem for our reflow algorithm."

Try it out. When you click the button, you expect the example text to move down, but it doesn’t. That’s because even though the test paragraph had its size method invoked, so that its height changed, the div that contains it didn’t change, so its size method was never invoked, which means its height was never recomputed, which means the example text was never moved down.

A third layout phase

How do we fix this?

Well, we need to rerun the height computation not just for the modified elements, but also their parent, and their parent’s parent, and so on. Ok, let’s start by moving the code that computes a layout object’s height to a new compute_height function. That code should include the line that sets the h field and also any other code that reads properties of child elements. Call compute_height at the end of size. So for DocumentLayout the new compute_height method looks like this:

class DocumentLayout:
    def compute_height(self):
        self.h = self.children[0].h

Remember to also call compute_height at the end of the size method.

Next up: the BlockLayout. Here compute_height looks like this:

class BlockLayout:
    def compute_height(self):
        self.h = + self.pb
        for child in self.children:
            self.h += + child.h + child.mb

You’ll need to call it at the end of size, after calling size on all the children.

Next, InlineLayout. Here, the height is the sum of the children’s heights, but it’s computed incrementally in flush. Let’s remove the line that adjusts h inside flush, and move that into a new compute_height method that just sums the height of the children:

class InlineLayout:
    def size(self):
        # ...

    def compute_height(self):
        self.h = 0
        for child in self.children:
            self.h += child.h

Make sure flush no longer adjusts the h field.

Next, LineLayout. Here, most of the function involves reading properties on child layout objects, so let’s just move all of it, except the single line that sets the w field, to compute_height.

class LineLayout:
    def size(self):
        self.w = self.parent.w

Finally, for InputLayout and TextLayout we just need to move the single line that sets the element’s height into compute_height.

Now that we’ve split size into two pieces, we can call the full size method on the changed elements, and just the compute_height method on those elements’ parents and ancestors:

class Browser:
    def reflow(self, obj):
        # ...
        self.timer.start("Layout (phase 1A)")
        self.timer.start("Layout (phase 1B)")
        while obj.parent:
            obj = obj.parent

Note that I’ve now got phase 1A layout and phase 1B layout—it’s really a three phase layout algorithm here!

Try the buggy web page we wrote earlier. You should see it correctly adjust heights after you click the button, making sure that no text overlaps.

By the way, you might worry that all these extra compute_height calls slowed our browser back down to where we started, but that’s not the case:

[  0.000046] Style
[  0.005434] Layout (phase 1A)
[  0.000025] Layout (phase 1B)
[  0.003215] Layout (phase 2)
[  0.110548] Display list

Phase 1B doesn’t take a long time because it’s only modifying the ancestors, which there aren’t that many of, and also because all of the compute_height methods are very short, just doing a few additions.


Over the course of this chapter, we’ve replaced the simplistic, single-phase layout algorithm with a complex three-phase algorithm that allows us to skip most of the work when just one part of the page changes. That’s made typing into input elements much smoother and means JavaScript interactions go much faster.


Granular timing: Extend the timer to measure the time to for each layout phase for each type of layout object. For the initial load of a large web page (like this one), what percentage of the phase 1A layout is spent handling inline layouts?

Debugging: It’s easy to make a mistake implementing this incremental layout stuff. And a mistake, like our mistake with heights, just means the page looks wrong. Add a “debug mode” to your web browser. When run in debug mode, your browser should do both incremental layout and a full, from-scratch layout, and compare the two trees to make sure every width, height, and position matches up. Fix any mismatches.

Display list: What’s slow about display lists? Use a profiler, or an extension to the Timer class, to figure out which layout object’s draw method is slow, and fix it.

Hover: Add support for the :hover CSS selector (this particular type of selector is called a pseudo-class), which selects whatever element the cursor is currently over. You can bind to the <Motion> event to get callbacks every time the mouse moves. Try changing the background of whatever element is under the user’s cursor.

setAttribute: Add support for the setAttribute method in JavaScript. Note that this method can be used to change the id, class, or style attribute, which can change which styles apply to the affected element; handle that with reflow. Furthermore, you can use setAttribute to update the href attribute of a <link> element, which means you must download a new CSS file and recompute the set of CSS rules. Make sure to handle that edge case as well.If you change the src attribute of a <script> tag, oddly enough, the new JavaScript file is not downloaded or executed.

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