Making Content Accessible

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So far, we’ve focused on making the browser an effective platform for developing web applications. But ultimately, the browser is a user agent. That means it should assist the user in whatever way it can to access and use web applications. Browsers therefore offer a range of accessibility features that take advantage of declarative UI and the flexibility of HTML and CSS to make it possible to interact with web pages by touch, keyboard, or voice.

What is Accessibility?

Accessibility means that the user can change or customize how they interact with a web page in order to make it easier to use.This definition takes the browser’s point of view. Accessibility can also be defined from the developer’s point of view, in which case it’s about ways to make your web pages easy to use for as many people as possible. The web’s uniquely flexible core technologies mean that browsers offer a lot of accessibility featuresToo often, people take “accessibility” to mean “screen reader support”, but this is just one way a user may want to interact with a web page. that allow a user to customize the rendering of a web page, as well as interact with a web page with their keyboard, by voice, or using some kind of helper software.

The reasons for customizing, of course, are as diverse as the customizations themselves. The World Health Organization found that as much as 15% of the world population have some form of disability, and many of them are severe or permanent. Nearly all of them can benefit greatly from the accessibility features described in this chapter. The more severe the disability for a particular person, the more critically important these features become for them.

Some needs for accessibility come and go over time. For example, when my son was born,This is Pavel speaking. my wife and I alternated time taking care of the baby and I ended up spending a lot of time working at night. To maximize precious sleep, I wanted the screen to be less bright, and was thankful that many websites offer a dark mode. Later, I found that taking notes by voice was convenient when my hands were busy holding the baby. And when I was trying to put the baby to sleep, muting the TV and reading the closed captions turned out to be the best way of watching movies.

The underlying reasons for using these accessibility tools were temporary; but other uses may last longer, or be permanent. I’m ever-grateful, for example, for curb cuts, which make it much more convenient to go on walks with a stroller.And even though my son has now started walking on his own, he’s still small enough that walking up a curb without a curb cut is difficult for him. And there’s a good chance that, like many of my relatives, my eyesight will worsen as I age and I’ll need to set my computer to a permanently larger text size. For more severe and permanent disabilities, there are advanced tools like screen readers.Perhaps software assistants will become more widespread as technology improves, mediating between the user and web pages, and will one day no longer primarily be a screen reader accessibility technology. Password managers and form autofill agents are already somewhat like this, and in many cases use the same browser APIs as screen readers. These take time to learn and use effectively, but are transformative for those who need them.

Accessibility covers the whole spectrum, from minor accommodations to advanced accessibility tools.We have an ethical responsibility to help all users. Plus, there is the practical matter that if you’re making a web page, you want as many people as possible to benefit from it. But a key lesson of all kinds of accessibility work, physical and digital, is that once an accessibility tool is built, creative people find that it helps in all kinds of situations unforeseen by the tool’s designers. Dark mode helps you tell your work and personal email apart; web page zoom helps you print the whole web page on a single sheet of paper; and keyboard shortcuts let you leverage muscle memory to submit many similar orders to a web application that doesn’t have a batch mode.

Moreover, accessibility derives from the same principles that birthed the web: user control, multimodal content, and interoperability. These principles allowed the web to be accessible to all types of browsers and operating systems, and these same principles likewise make the web accessible to people of all types and abilities.

In the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and many other countries, website accessibility is in many cases legally required. For example, United States Government websites are required to be accessible under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1973 (with amendments added later), and associated regulations. Non-government websites are also required to be accessible under the Americans with Disabilities Act, though it’s not yet clear exactly what that legal requirement means in practice, since it’s mostly being decided through the courts. In the UK, the Equality Act 2010 established similar rules for websites, with stricter rules for government websites added in 2018. A similar law in the European Union is the European Accessibility Act.


Let’s start with the simplest accessibility problem: text on the screen that is too small to read. It’s a problem many of us will face sooner or later, and is possibly the most common user disability issue. The simplest and most effective way to address this is by increasing font and element sizes. This approach is called zoom,The word zoom evokes an analogy to a camera zooming in, but it is not the same, because zoom causes layout. Pinch zoom, on the other hand, is just like a camera and does not cause layout. which means to lay out the page as if all of the CSS sizes were increased or decreased by a specified factor.

To implement it, we first need a way to trigger zooming. On most browsers, that’s done with the Ctrl-+, Ctrl--, and Ctrl-0 keys; using the Ctrl modifier key means you can type a +, -, or 0 into a text entry without triggering the zoom function.

To handle modifier keys, we’ll need to listen to both “key down” and “key up” events in the event loop, and store whether the Ctrl key is pressed:

def mainloop(browser):
    # ...
    ctrl_down = False
    while True:
        if sdl2.SDL_PollEvent(ctypes.byref(event)) != 0:
            elif event.type == sdl2.SDL_KEYDOWN:
                # ...
                elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_RCTRL or \
                    event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_LCTRL:
                    ctrl_down = True                
             elif event.type == sdl2.SDL_KEYUP:
                if event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_RCTRL or \
                    event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_LCTRL:
                    ctrl_down = False
                # ...

Now we can have a case in the key handling code for “key down” events while the Ctrl key is held:

def mainloop(browser):
    while True:
        if sdl2.SDL_PollEvent(ctypes.byref(event)) != 0:
            elif event.type == sdl2.SDL_KEYDOWN:
                if ctrl_down:
                     if event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_EQUALS:
                     elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_MINUS:
                     elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_0:
                # ...

Here, the argument to increment_zoom is whether we should increment (True) or decrement (False).

The Browser code just delegates to the Tab, via a main thread task:

class Browser:
    # ...
    def increment_zoom(self, increment):
        task = Task(self.active_tab.zoom_by, increment)

    def reset_zoom(self):
        task = Task(self.active_tab.reset_zoom)

Finally, the Tab responds to these commands by adjusting a new zoom property, which starts at 1 and acts as a multiplier for all “CSS sizes” on the web page:Zoom typically does not change the size of elements of the browser chrome. Browsers can do that too, but it’s usually triggered by a global OS setting.

class Tab:
    def __init__(self, browser, tab_height):
        # ...
        self.zoom = 1

    def zoom_by(self, increment):
        if increment:
            self.zoom *= 1.1
            self.scroll *= 1.1
            self.zoom *= 1/1.1
            self.scroll *= 1/1.1
        self.scroll_changed_in_tab = True

    def reset_zoom(self):
        self.scroll /= self.zoom
        self.zoom = 1
        self.scroll_changed_in_tab = True

Note that we need to set the needs_render flag when we zoom to redraw the screen after zooming is complete. Also note that when we zoom the page we also need to adjust the scroll position,In a real browser, adjusting the scroll position when zooming is more complex than just multiplying. That’s because zoom not only changes the heights of individual lines of text, but also changes line breaking, meaning more or fewer lines of text. This means there’s no easy correspondence between old and new scroll positions. Most real browsers implement a much more general algorithm called scroll anchoring that handles all kinds of changes beyond just zoom. and reset the zoom level when we navigate to a new page:

class Tab:
    def load(self, url, payload=None):
        self.zoom = 1
        # ...

The zoom factor is supposed to multiply all CSS sizes, so we’ll need access to it during layout. There are a few ways to do this, but one easy way is just to pass it as a parameter to layout for DocumentLayout:

class DocumentLayout:
    def layout(self, zoom):
        self.zoom = zoom
        child = BlockLayout(self.node, self, None)
        # ...
class Tab:
    def render(self):
        if self.needs_layout:
            # ...
            # ...

Every other layout object can also have a zoom field, copied from its parent in layout. Here’s BlockLayout; the other layout classes should do the same:

class BlockLayout:
    def layout(self):
        self.zoom = self.parent.zoom
        # ...

Various methods now need to scale their font sizes to account for zoom. Since scaling by zoom is a common operation, let’s wrap it in a helper method, dpx:Normally, dpx would be a terrible function name, being short and cryptic. But we’ll be calling this function a lot, mixed in with mathematical operations, and it’ll be convenient for it not to take up too much space.

def dpx(css_px, zoom):
    return css_px * zoom

Think of dpx not as a simple helper method, but as a unit conversion from a CSS pixel (the units specified in a CSS declaration) to a device pixel (what’s actually drawn on the screen). In a real browser, this method could also account for differences like high-DPI displays.

We’ll do this conversion to adjust the font sizes in the text and input methods for BlockLayout, and in InputLayout:

class BlockLayout:
    def word(self, node, word):
        # ...
        px_size = float(["font-size"][:-2])
        size = dpx(px_size * 0.75, self.zoom)
        # ...

    def input(self, node):
        # ...
        px_size = float(["font-size"][:-2])
        size = dpx(px_size * 0.75, self.zoom)
        # ...
class InputLayout:
    def layout(self):
        # ...
        px_size = float(["font-size"][:-2])
        size = dpx(px_size * 0.75, self.zoom)
        # ...

As well as the font size in TextLayout:Browsers also usually have a minimum font size feature, but it’s a lot trickier to use correctly. Since a minimum font size only affects some of the text on the page, and doesn’t affect other CSS lengths, it can cause overflowing fonts and broken layouts. Because of these problems, browsers often restrict the feature to situations where the site seems to be using relative font sizes.

class TextLayout:
    # ...
    def layout(self):
        # ...
        px_size = float(["font-size"][:-2])
        size = dpx(px_size * 0.75, self.zoom)

And the fixed INPUT_WIDTH_PX for text boxes:

class BlockLayout:
    # ...
    def input(self, node):
        w = dpx(INPUT_WIDTH_PX, self.zoom)  

Finally, one tricky place we need to adjust for zoom is inside DocumentLayout. Here there are two sets of lengths: the overall WIDTH, and the HSTEP/VSTEP padding around the edges of the page. The WIDTH comes from the size of the application window itself, so that’s measured in device pixels and doesn’t need to be converted. But the HSTEP/VSTEP is part of the page’s layout, so it’s in CSS pixels and does need to be converted:

class DocumentLayout:
    def layout(self, zoom):
        # ...
        self.width = WIDTH - 2 * dpx(HSTEP, self.zoom)
        self.x = dpx(HSTEP, self.zoom)
        self.y = dpx(VSTEP, self.zoom)
        self.height = child.height

Now try it out. All of the fonts should get about 10% bigger each time you press Ctrl-+, and shrink by 10% when you press Ctrl--. The bigger text should still wrap appropriately at the edge of the screen, and CSS lengths should be scaled just like the text is. This is great for reading text more easily.

Here is an example of some text before zoom.No book on the web would be complete without some good old Lorem ipsum!

This should render as shown in Figure 1, while Figure 2 shows how it should look after a 2× zoom. Note how not only are the words twice as big, but the lines wrap at different words, just as desired.

Figure 1: Example of line breaking before zoom.
Figure 2: Example of line breaking after zoom.

On high-resolution screens, CSS pixels are scaled by both zoom and a devicePixelRatio factor.Strictly speaking, the JavaScript variable called devicePixelRatio is the product of the device-specific and zoom-based scaling factors. This factor scales device pixels so that there are approximately 96 CSS pixels per inch (which a lot of old-school desktop displays had). For example, the original iPhone had 163 pixels per inch; the browser on that device used a devicePixelRatio of 2, so that 96 CSS pixels corresponds to 192 device pixels or about 1.17 inches.Typically the devicePixelRatio is rounded to an integer because that tends to make text and layout look crisper, but this isn’t required, and as pixel densities increase it becomes less and less important. For example, the Pixelbook Go I’m using to write this book, with a resolution of 166 pixels per inch, has a ratio of 1.25. The choice of ratio for a given screen is somewhat arbitrary. This scaling is especially tricky when a device is connected to multiple displays: a window may switch from a low-resolution to a high-resolution display (thus changing devicePixelRatio) or even be split across two displays with different resolutions.

Dark Mode

Another useful visual change is using darker colors to help users who are extra sensitive to light, use their device at night, or who just prefer a darker color scheme. This browser dark mode feature should switch both the browser chrome and the web page itself to use white text on a black background, and otherwise adjust background colors to be darker.These days, dark mode has hit the mainstream. It’s supported by pretty much all operating systems, browsers, and popular apps, and many people enable it as a personal preference. But it was an accessibility feature, often called high contrast or color filtering mode, long before then. Many other technologies, including text-to-speech, optical character recognition, on-screen keyboards, and voice control were also pioneered by accessibility engineers before becoming widely used.

We’ll trigger dark mode in the event loop with Ctrl-d:

def mainloop(browser):
    while True:
        if sdl2.SDL_PollEvent(ctypes.byref(event)) != 0:
            elif event.type == sdl2.SDL_KEYDOWN:
                if ctrl_down:
                    # ...
                    elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_d:

When dark mode is active, we need to draw both the browser chrome and the web page contents differently. The browser chrome is a bit easier, so let’s start with that. We’ll start with a dark_mode field indicating whether dark mode is active:

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.dark_mode = False

    def toggle_dark_mode(self):
        self.dark_mode = not self.dark_mode

Now we just need to flip all the colors in raster_chrome when dark_mode is set. Let’s store the foreground and background colors in variables we can reuse:

class Browser:
    def raster_chrome(self):
        if self.dark_mode:
            background_color = skia.ColorBLACK
            background_color = skia.ColorWHITE
        # ...

Similarly, in paint on Chrome, we need to use the right foreground color:

class Chrome:
    def paint(self):
        if self.browser.dark_mode:
            color = "white"
            color = "black"

Then we just need to use color instead of black everywhere. Make that change in paint.Of course, a full-featured browser’s chrome has many more buttons and colors to adjust than our browser’s. Most browsers support a theming system that stores all the relevant colors and images, and dark mode switches the browser from one theme to another.

Now, we want the web page content to change from light mode to dark mode as well. To start, let’s inform the Tab when the user requests dark mode:

class Browser:
    # ...
    def toggle_dark_mode(self):
        # ...
        self.dark_mode = not self.dark_mode
        task = Task(self.active_tab.set_dark_mode, self.dark_mode)

And in Tab:

class Tab:
    def __init__(self, browser, tab_height):
        # ...
        self.dark_mode = browser.dark_mode

    def set_dark_mode(self, val):
        self.dark_mode = val

Note that we need to re-render the page when the dark mode setting is flipped, so that the user actually sees the new colors. On that note, we also need to set dark mode when changing tabs, since all tabs should be either dark or light:

class Browser:
   def set_active_tab(self, tab):
        # ...
        task = Task(self.active_tab.set_dark_mode, self.dark_mode)

Now we need the page’s colors to somehow depend on dark mode. The easiest to change are the default text color and the background color of the document, which are set by the browser. The default text color, for example, comes from the INHERITED_PROPERTIES dictionary, which we can just modify based on the dark mode:

class Tab:
    # ...
    def render(self):
        if self.needs_style:
            if self.dark_mode:
                INHERITED_PROPERTIES["color"] = "white"
                INHERITED_PROPERTIES["color"] = "black"
                sorted(self.rules, key=cascade_priority))

And the background for the page is drawn by the Browser in the draw method, which we can make depend on dark mode:

class Browser:
    # ...
    def draw(self):
        # ...
        if self.dark_mode:

Now if you open the browser and switch to dark mode, you should see white text on a black background, as in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Example of dark mode rendering of text.

The browser really should not be changing colors on unsuspecting pages; that could have terrible readability outcomes if the page’s theme conflicted! Instead web pages indicate support for dark mode using the color-scheme meta tag or CSS property. Browsers use the presence of the meta tag to determine whether it’s safe to apply dark mode. Before color-scheme was standardized, web pages could in principle offer alternative color schemes using alternative style sheets, but few browsers supported it (of the major ones, only Firefox) and it wasn’t commonly used.

Customizing Dark Mode

Our simple dark mode implementation works well for pages with just text on a background. But for a good-looking dark mode, we also need to adjust all the other colors on the page. For example, buttons and input elements probably need a darker background color, as do any colors that the web developer used on the page.

To support this, CSS uses media queries. This is a special syntax that basically wraps some CSS rules in an if statement with some kind of condition; if the condition is true, those CSS rules are used, but if the condition is false, they are ignored. The prefers-color-scheme condition checks for dark mode. For example, this CSS will make <div>s have a white text on a black background only in dark mode:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  div { background-color: black; color: white; }

Web developers can use prefers-color-scheme queries in their own style sheets, adjusting their own choice of colors to fit user requests, but we can also use a prefers-color-scheme media query in the browser default style sheet to adjust the default colors for links, buttons, and text entries:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  a { color: lightblue; }
  input { background-color: #2222FF; }
  button { background-color: #992500; }

Here I chose very specific hexadecimal colors that preserve the general color scheme of blue and orange, but ensure maximum contrast with white foreground text so they are easy to read. It’s important to choose colors that ensure maximum contrast (an “AAA” rating). This tool is handy for checking the contrast of foreground and background colors.

To implement media queries, we’ll have to start with parsing this syntax:

class CSSParser:
    def media_query(self):
        assert self.word() == "media"
        prop, val = self.pair([")"])
        return prop, val

Then, in parse, we keep track of the current color scheme and adjust it every time we enter or exit an @media rule:For simplicity, this code doesn’t handle nested @media rules, because with just one type of media query there’s no point in nesting them. To handle nested @media queries the media variable would have to store a stack of conditions.

class CSSParser:
    def parse(self):
        # ...
        media = None
        while self.i < len(self.s):
                if self.s[self.i] == "@" and not media:
                    prop, val = self.media_query()
                    if prop == "prefers-color-scheme" and \
                        val in ["dark", "light"]:
                        media = val
                elif self.s[self.i] == "}" and media:
                    media = None
                    # ...
                    rules.append((media, selector, body))

Note that I’ve modified the list of rules to store not just the selector and the body, but also the color scheme for those rules—None if it applies regardless of color scheme, dark for dark mode only, and light for light mode only. This way, the style function can ignore rules that don’t apply:

def style(node, rules, tab):
    # ...
    for media, selector, body in rules:
        if media:
            if (media == "dark") != tab.dark_mode: continue
        # ...

Try your browser on this web pageI’ll use it throughout the chapter as the “focus example”. with lots of links, text entries, and buttons, and you should now see that in dark mode they also change color to have a darker background and lighter foreground. It should look like Figure 4 in dark mode.

Figure 4: Example of dark mode with forms. See the website for full color.

Besides prefers-color-scheme, web pages can use media queries to increase or decrease contrast when a user prefers-contrast or disable unnecessary animations when a user prefers-reduced-motion, both of which can help users with certain disabilities. Users can also force the use of a specific, limited palette of colors through their operating system; web pages can detect this with the forced-colors media query or disable it for certain elements (use with care!) with forced-color-adjust.

Keyboard Navigation

Right now, most of our browser’s features are triggered using the mouse,Except for scrolling, which is keyboard only. which is a problem for users with injuries or disabilities in their hand—and also a problem for power users that prefer their keyboards. So ideally every browser feature should be accessible via the keyboard as well as the mouse. That includes browser chrome interactions like back navigation, typing a URL, or quitting the browser, and also web page interactions such as submitting forms, typing in text areas, navigating links, and selecting items on the page.

Let’s start with the browser chrome, since it’s the easiest. Here, we need to allow the user to back-navigate, to type in the address bar, and to create and cycle through tabs, all with the keyboard. We’ll also add a keyboard shortcut for quitting the browser.Depending on the OS you might also need shortcuts for minimizing or maximizing the browser window. Those require calling specialized OS APIs, so I won’t implement them. Let’s make all these shortcuts in the event loop use the Ctrl modifier key so they don’t interfere with normal typing: Ctrl-Left to go back, Ctrl-l to type in the address bar, Ctrl-t to create a new tab, Ctrl-Tab to switch to the next tab, and Ctrl-q to exit the browser:

def mainloop(browser):
    while True:
        if sdl2.SDL_PollEvent(ctypes.byref(event)) != 0:
            elif event.type == sdl2.SDL_KEYDOWN:
                if ctrl_down:
                    # ...
                    elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_LEFT:
                    elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_l:
                    elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_t:
                    elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_TAB:
                    elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_q:

Here, the focus_addressbar and cycle_tabs methods are new, but their contents are just copied from handle_click:

class Chrome:
    def focus_addressbar(self):
        self.focus = "address bar"
        self.address_bar = ""

class Browser:
    def focus_addressbar(self):

    def cycle_tabs(self):
        active_idx = self.tabs.index(self.active_tab)
        new_active_idx = (active_idx + 1) % len(self.tabs)

Now any clicks in the browser chrome can be replaced with keyboard actions. But what about clicks in the web page itself? This is trickier, because web pages can have any number of links. So the standard solution is letting the user Tab through all the clickable things on the page, and press Enter to actually click on them.Though it’s not the only solution. The old Vimperator browser extension for Firefox and its successors instead shows one- or two-letter codes next to each clickable element, and lets the user type those codes to activate that element.

We’ll implement this by expanding our implementation of focus. We already have a focus property on each Tab indicating which input element is capturing keyboard input. Let’s allow buttons and links to be focused as well. Of course, they don’t capture keyboard input, but when the user presses Enter we’ll press the button or navigate to the link.

We’ll start by binding those keys in the event loop:

def mainloop(browser):
    while True:
        if sdl2.SDL_PollEvent(ctypes.byref(event)) != 0:
            elif event.type == sdl2.SDL_KEYDOWN:
                # ...
                elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_RETURN:
                elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_TAB:

Note that these lines don’t go inside the if ctrl_down block, since we’re binding Tab and Enter, not Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Enter. In Browser, we just forward these keys to the active tab’s enter and advance_tab methods:Real browsers also support Shift-Tab to go backwards in focus order.

class Browser:
    def handle_tab(self):
        self.focus = "content"
        task = Task(self.active_tab.advance_tab)

    def handle_enter(self):
        # ...
        elif self.focus == "content":
            task = Task(self.active_tab.enter)
        # ...

Let’s start with the advance_tab method. Each time it’s called, the browser should advance focus to the next focusable thing. This will first require a definition of which elements are focusable:

def is_focusable(node):
    return node.tag in ["input", "button", "a"]

class Tab:
    def advance_tab(self):
        focusable_nodes = [node
            for node in tree_to_list(self.nodes, [])
            if isinstance(node, Element) and is_focusable(node)]

Next, in advance_tab, we need to find out where the currently focused element is in this list so we can move focus to the next one.

class Tab:
    def advance_tab(self):
        # ...
        if self.focus in focusable_nodes:
            idx = focusable_nodes.index(self.focus) + 1
            idx = 0

Finally, we just need to focus on the chosen element. If we’ve reached the last focusable node (or if there weren’t any focusable nodes to begin with), we’ll unfocus the page and move focus to the address bar:

class Tab:
    def advance_tab(self):
        if idx < len(focusable_nodes):
            self.focus = focusable_nodes[idx]
            self.focus = None

Now that an element is focused, the user should be able to interact with it by pressing Enter. Since the exact action they’re performing varies (navigating a link, pressing a button, clearing a text entry), we’ll call this “activating” the element:

class Tab:
    def enter(self):
        if not self.focus: return

The activate_element method does different things for different kinds of elements:

class Tab:
    def activate_element(self, elt):
        if elt.tag == "input":
            elt.attributes["value"] = ""
        elif elt.tag == "a" and "href" in elt.attributes:
            url = self.url.resolve(elt.attributes["href"])
        elif elt.tag == "button":
            while elt:
                if elt.tag == "form" and "action" in elt.attributes:
                elt = elt.parent

All of this activation code is copied from the click method on Tabs. Note that hitting Enter when focused on a text entry clears the text entry; in most browsers, it submits the containing form instead. That quirk is a workaround for our browser not implementing the Backspace key (Section 8.3).

The click method can now be rewritten to call activate_element directly:

class Tab:
    def click(self, x, y):
        while elt:
            if isinstance(elt, Text):
            elif is_focusable(elt):
            elt = elt.parent

Also, since now any element can be focused, we need keypress to check that an input element is focused before typing into it:

class Tab:
    def keypress(self, char):
        if self.focus and self.focus.tag == "input":
            if not "value" in self.focus.attributes:
            # ...

I’ve called activate_element to create an empty value attribute.

Similarly, InputLayout used to draw a cursor for any focused element. Now that button elements can be focused, it needs to be more careful:

class InputLayout:
    def paint(self):
        # ...
        if self.node.is_focused and self.node.tag == "input":
            # ...
        # ...

Finally, note that sometimes activating an element submits a form or navigates to a new page, which means the element we were focused on no longer exists. We need to make sure to clear focus in this case:

class Tab:
    def load(self, url, payload=None):
        self.focus = None
        # ...

We now have the ability to focus on links, buttons, and text entries. But as with any browser feature, it’s worth asking whether web page authors should be able to customize it. With keyboard navigation, the author might want certain links not to be focusable (like “permalinks” to a section heading, which would just be noise to most users), or might want to change the order in which the user tabs through focusable items.

Browsers support the tabindex HTML attribute to make this possible. The tabindex attribute is a number. An element isn’t focusable if its tabindex is negative, and elements with smaller tabindex values come before those with larger values and those without a tabindex at all. To implement that, we need to sort the focusable elements by tab index, so we need a function that returns the tab index:

def get_tabindex(node):
    tabindex = int(node.attributes.get("tabindex", "9999999"))
    return 9999999 if tabindex == 0 else tabindex

The default value, “9999999”, is a hack to make sure that elements without a tabindex attribute sort after ones with the attribute. Now we can sort by get_tabindex in advance_tab:

class Tab:
    def advance_tab(self):
        focusable_nodes = [node
            for node in tree_to_list(self.nodes, [])
            if isinstance(node, Element) and is_focusable(node)]
        # ...

Since Python’s sort is “stable”, two elements with the same tabindex won’t change their relative position in focusable_nodes.

Additionally, elements with non-negative tabindex are automatically focusable, even if they aren’t a link or a button or a text entry. That’s useful, because that element might listen to the click event. To support this let’s first extend is_focusable to consider tabindex:

def is_focusable(node):
    if get_tabindex(node) < 0:
        return False
    elif "tabindex" in node.attributes:
        return True
        return node.tag in ["input", "button", "a"]

If you print out focusable_nodes for the focus example, you should get this:

[<a tabindex="1" href="/">,
 <button tabindex="2">,
 <div tabindex="3">,
 <div tabindex="12">,
 <a href="">]

We also need to make sure to send a click event when an element is activated. Note that just like clicking on an element, activating an element can be canceled from JavaScript using preventDefault.

class Tab:
    def enter(self):
        if not self.focus: return
        if self.js.dispatch_event("click", self.focus): return

We now have configurable keyboard navigation for both the browser and the web page content. And it involved writing barely any new code, instead mostly moving code from existing methods into new standalone ones. The fact that keyboard navigation simplified, not complicated, our browser implementation is a common outcome: improving accessibility often involves generalizing and refining existing concepts, leading to more maintainable code overall.

Why send the click event when an element is activated, instead of a special activate event? Internet Explorer did use a special activate event, and other browsers used to send a DOMActivate event, but modern standards require sending the click event even if the element was activated via keyboard, not via a click. This works better when the developers aren’t thinking much about accessibility and only register the click event listener.

Indicating Focus

Thanks to our keyboard shortcuts, users can now reach any link, button, or text entry from the keyboard. But if you try to use this to navigate a website, it’s a little hard to know which element is focused when. A visual indication—similar to the cursor we use on text inputs—would help sighted users know if they’ve reached the element they want or if they need to keep hitting Tab. In most browsers, this visual indication is a focus ring that outlines the focused element.

To implement focus rings, we’ll use the same mechanism we use to draw text cursors. Recall that, right now, text cursors are added by drawing a vertical line in InputLayout’s paint method. We’ll add a call to paint_outline in that method, to draw a rectangle around the focused element:

def paint_outline(node, cmds, rect, zoom):
    if not node.is_focused: return
    cmds.append(DrawOutline(rect, "black", 1))

Set this is_focused flag in a new focus_element method that we’ll now use to change the focus field in a Tab:

class Tab:
    def focus_element(self, node):
        if self.focus:
            self.focus.is_focused = False
        self.focus = node
        if node:
            node.is_focused = True

Outline painting should happen in paint_effects, because it paints on top of the subtree.

class InputLayout:
    def paint_effects(self, cmds):
        cmds = paint_visual_effects(self.node, cmds, self.self_rect())
        paint_outline(self.node, cmds, self.self_rect(), self.zoom)
        return cmds

I also changed the cursor drawing to only happen if the node is focused and it’s an input element. Tabbing over to a button element should not draw a cursor!

Unfortunately, handling links is a little more complicated. That’s because one <a> element corresponds to multiple TextLayout objects, so there’s not just one layout object where we can stick the code. Moreover, those TextLayouts could be split across several lines, so we might want to draw more than one focus ring. To work around this, let’s draw the focus ring in LineLayout. Each LineLayout finds all of its child TextLayouts that are focused, and draws a rectangle around them all.

class LineLayout:
    def paint_effects(self, cmds):
        outline_rect = skia.Rect.MakeEmpty()
        outline_node = None
        for child in self.children:
            if child.node.parent.is_focused:
                outline_node = child.node.parent
        if outline_node:
                outline_node, cmds, outline_rect, self.zoom)
        return cmds

You should also add a paint_outline call to BlockLayout, since users can make any element focusable with tabindex.This code does not correctly handle the case of text inside an inline element inside another inline element, with the outside one focused. You could fix this by walking from the child to the LineLayout’s node, checking the is_focused field along the way. I’m skipping that in the interest of expediency.

Now when you Tab through a page, you should see the focused element highlighted with a black outline. And if a link happens to cross multiple lines, you will see our browser use multiple focus rectangles to make crystal clear what is being focused on.

Except for one problem: if the focused element is scrolled offscreen, there is still no way to tell what’s focused. To fix this we’ll need to automatically scroll it onto the screen when the user tabs to it.

Doing this is a bit tricky, because determining if the element is offscreen requires layout. So, instead of scrolling to it immediately, we’ll set a new needs_focus_scroll bit on Tab:

class Tab:
    def __init__(self, browser, tab_height):
        # ...
        self.needs_focus_scroll = False

    def focus_element(self, node):
        if node and node != self.focus:
            self.needs_focus_scroll = True

Then, run_animation_frame can scroll appropriately before resetting the flag:

class Tab:
    def run_animation_frame(self, scroll):
        # ...
        if self.needs_focus_scroll and self.focus:
        self.needs_focus_scroll = False
        # ...

To actually do the scrolling, we need to find the layout object corresponding to the focused node:

class Tab:
    def scroll_to(self, elt):
        objs = [
            obj for obj in tree_to_list(self.document, [])
            if obj.node == self.focus
        if not objs: return
        obj = objs[0]

Then, we scroll to it:

class Tab:
    def scroll_to(self, elt):
        # ...

        if self.scroll < obj.y < self.scroll + self.tab_height:

        document_height = math.ceil(self.document.height + 2*VSTEP)
        new_scroll = obj.y - SCROLL_STEP
        self.scroll = self.clamp_scroll(new_scroll)
        self.scroll_changed_in_tab = True

Here, I’m shifting the scroll position to ensure that the object is SCROLL_STEP pixels from the top of the screen, though a real browser will likely use different logic for scrolling up versus down.

Focus outlines now basically work, and will even scroll on-screen if you try it on the focus example. Figure 5 shows what it looks like after I pressed tab to focus the “this is a link” element.

Figure 5: Example of focus outline.

But ideally, the focus indicator should be customizable, so that the web page author can make sure the focused element stands out. In CSS, that’s done with the :focus pseudo-class. Basically, this means you can write a selector like this:

div:focus { ... }

And then that selector applies only to <div> elements that are currently focused.It’s called a pseudo-class because the syntax is similar to class selectors, except there’s no actual class attribute on the matched elements.

To implement this, we need to parse this new kind of selector. Let’s change selector to call a new simple_selector subroutine to parse a tag name and a possible pseudo-class:

class CSSParser:
    def selector(self):
        out = self.simple_selector()
        # ...
        while self.i < len(self.s) and self.s[self.i] != "{":
            descendant = self.simple_selector()
            # ...

In simple_selector, the parser first parses a tag name and then checks if that’s followed by a colon and a pseudo-class name:

class CSSParser:
    def simple_selector(self):
        out = TagSelector(self.word().casefold())
        if self.i < len(self.s) and self.s[self.i] == ":":
            pseudoclass = self.word().casefold()
            out = PseudoclassSelector(pseudoclass, out)
        return out

A PseudoclassSelector wraps another selector:

class PseudoclassSelector:
    def __init__(self, pseudoclass, base):
        self.pseudoclass = pseudoclass
        self.base = base
        self.priority = self.base.priority

Matching is straightforward:

class PseudoclassSelector:
    def matches(self, node):
        if not self.base.matches(node):
            return False
        if self.pseudoclass == "focus":
            return node.is_focused
            return False

Unknown pseudoclasses simply never match anything.

The focused element can now be styled. But ideally we’d also be able to customize the focus outline itself and not just the element. That can be done by adding support for the CSS outline property, which looks like this (for a 3-pixel-thick red outline):We’ll only implement this syntax, but outline can also take a few other forms.

outline: 3px solid red;

We can parse that into a thickness and a color:

def parse_outline(outline_str):
    if not outline_str: return None
    values = outline_str.split(" ")
    if len(values) != 3: return None
    if values[1] != "solid": return None
    return int(values[0][:-2]), values[2]

And then paint a parsed outline:

def paint_outline(node, cmds, rect, zoom):
    outline = parse_outline("outline"))
    if not outline: return
    thickness, color = outline
    cmds.append(DrawOutline(rect, color, dpx(thickness, zoom)))

Even better, we can move the default two-pixel black outline into the browser default style sheet, like this:

input:focus { outline: 2px solid black; }
button:focus { outline: 2px solid black; }
div:focus { outline: 2px solid black; }

Moreover, we can now make the outline white when dark mode is triggered, which is important for it to stand out against the black background:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
input:focus { outline: 2px solid white; }
button:focus { outline: 2px solid white; }
div:focus { outline: 2px solid white; }
a:focus { outline: 2px solid white; }

Finally, change all of our paint methods to use parse_outline instead of is_focused to draw the outline. Here is LineLayout:

class LineLayout:
    def paint_effects(self, cmds):
        # ...
        for child in self.children:
            outline_str ="outline")
            if parse_outline(outline_str):
                outline_node = child.node.parent

For the focus example, the focus outline of an <a> element becomes thicker and red, as in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Example of a customized focus outline.

As with dark mode, focus outlines are a case where adding an accessibility feature meant generalizing existing browser features to make them more powerful. And once they were generalized, this generalized form can be made accessible to web page authors, who can use it for anything they like.

It’s essential that the focus indicator have good contrast against the underlying web page, so the user can clearly see what they’ve tabbed over to. This might require some care if the default focus indicator looks like the page or element background. For example, it might be best to draw two outlines, white and black, to guarantee a visible focus indicator on both dark and light backgrounds. If you’re designing your own, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines provides contrast guidance.

The Accessibility Tree

Zoom, dark mode, and focus indicators help users with difficulty seeing fine details, but if the user can’t see the screen at all,The original motivation for screen readers was for blind users, but it’s also sometimes useful for situations where the user shouldn’t be looking at the screen (such as driving), or for devices with no screen. they typically use a screen reader instead. The name kind of explains it all: the screen reader reads the text on the screen out loud, so that users know what it says without having to see it.

So: what should a screen reader say? There are basically two big challenges we must overcome.

First, web pages contain visual hints besides text that we need to reproduce for screen reader users. For example, when focus is on an <input> or <button> element, the screen reader needs to say so, since these users won’t see the light blue or orange background.

And second, when listening to a screen reader, the user must be able to direct the browser to the part of the page that interests them.Though many people who rely on screen readers learn to listen to much faster speech, it’s still a less informationally dense medium than vision. For example, the user might want to skip headers and navigation menus, or even skip most of the page until they get to a paragraph of interest. But once they’ve reached the part of the page of interest to them, they may want it read to them, and if some sentence or phrase is particularly complex, they may want the screen reader to re-read it.

You can see an exampleI encourage you to test out your operating system’s built-in screen reader to get a feel for what screen reader navigation is like. On macOS, type Cmd-Fn-F5 to turn on Voice Over; on Windows, type Win-Ctrl-Enter or Win-Enter to start Narrator; on ChromeOS type Ctrl-Alt-z to start ChromeVox. All are largely used via keyboard shortcuts that you can look up. of screen reader navigation in the talk presented in the video shown in Figure 7, specifically the segment from 2:36–3:54.The whole talk is recommended; it has great examples of using accessibility technology.

Figure 7: Accessibility talk available [here].

To support all this, browsers structure the page as a tree and use that tree to interact with the screen reader. The higher levels of the tree represent items like paragraphs, headings, or navigation menus, while lower levels represent text, links, or buttons.Generally speaking, the OS APIs consume this tree like a data model, and the actual tree and data model exposed to the OS APIs is platform-specific.

This probably sounds a lot like HTML—and it is quite similar! But, just as the HTML tree does not exactly match the layout tree, there’s not an exact match with this tree either. For example, some HTML elements (like <div>) group content for styling that is meaningless to screen reader users. Alternatively, some HTML elements may be invisible on the screen,For example, using opacity:0. There are several other ways in real browsers that elements can be made invisible, such as with the visibility or display CSS properties. but relevant to screen reader users. The browser therefore builds a separate accessibility tree to support screen reader navigation.

Let’s implement an accessibility tree in our browser. It’s built in a rendering phase just after layout:

class Tab:
    def __init__(self, browser, tab_height):
        # ...
        self.needs_accessibility = False
        self.accessibility_tree = None

    def render(self):
        # ...
        if self.needs_layout:
            # ...
            self.needs_accessibility = True
            self.needs_paint = True
            self.needs_layout = False

        if self.needs_accessibility:
            self.accessibility_tree = AccessibilityNode(self.nodes)
            self.needs_accessibility = False

The accessibility tree is built out of AccessibilityNodes:

class AccessibilityNode:
    def __init__(self, node):
        self.node = node
        self.children = []

The build method on AccessibilityNode recursively creates the accessibility tree. To do so, we traverse the HTML tree and, for each node, determine what “role” it plays in the accessibility tree. Some elements, like <div>, have no role, so don’t appear in the accessibility tree, while elements like <input>, <a> and <button> have default roles.Roles and default roles are specified in the WAI-ARIA standard. We can compute the role of a node based on its tag name, or from the special role attribute if that exists:

class AccessibilityNode:
    def __init__(self, node):
        # ...
        if isinstance(node, Text):
            if is_focusable(node.parent):
                self.role = "focusable text"
                self.role = "StaticText"
            if "role" in node.attributes:
                self.role = node.attributes["role"]
            elif node.tag == "a":
                self.role = "link"
            elif node.tag == "input":
                self.role = "textbox"
            elif node.tag == "button":
                self.role = "button"
            elif node.tag == "html":
                self.role = "document"
            elif is_focusable(node):
                self.role = "focusable"
                self.role = "none"

To build the accessibility tree, just recursively walk the HTML tree. Along the way, skip nodes with a none role, but still recurse into their children:

class AccessibilityNode:
    def build(self):
        for child_node in self.node.children:

    def build_internal(self, child_node):
        child = AccessibilityNode(child_node)
        if child.role != "none":
            for grandchild_node in child_node.children:

Here is the accessibility tree for the focus example:

     role=focusable text
     role=focusable text
     role=focusable text
     role=focusable text
     role=focusable text

The user can now direct the screen reader to walk up or down this accessibility tree and describe each node or trigger actions on it. Let’s implement that.

In a multi-process browser (like Chromium), there is a browser process that interfaces with the OS, and render processes for loading web pages. Since screen reader APIs are synchronous, Chromium stores two copies of the accessibility tree, one in the browser and one in each renderer, and only sends changes between the two. An alternative design, used by pre-Chromium Microsoft Edge and some other browsers, connects each render process to accessibility API requests from the operating system. This removes the need to duplicate the accessibility tree, but exposing the operating system to individual tabs can lead to security issues.

Screen Readers

Typically, the screen reader is a separate application from the browser;Screen readers need to help the user with operating system actions such as logging in, starting applications, and switching between them, so it makes sense for the screen reader to be outside any application and to integrate with them through the operating system. the browser communicates with it through OS-specific APIs. To keep this book platform-independent and demonstrate more clearly how screen readers interact with the accessibility tree, our discussion of screen reader support will instead include a minimal screen reader integrated directly into the browser.

But should our built-in screen reader live in the Browser or each Tab? Modern browsers generally talk to screen readers from something like the Browser, so we’ll do that too.And therefore the browser thread in our multithreaded browser. So the very first thing we need to do is send the tab’s accessibility tree over to the browser thread. That’ll be a straightforward extension of the commit concept introduced in Chapter 12. First, we’ll add the tree to CommitData:

class CommitData:
    def __init__(self, url, scroll, height, display_list,
            composited_updates, accessibility_tree):
        # ...
        self.accessibility_tree = accessibility_tree

Then we send it across in run_animation_frame:

class Tab:
    def run_animation_frame(self, scroll):
        # ...
        commit_data = CommitData(
            # ...
        # ...
        self.accessibility_tree = None

class Browser:
    def commit(self, tab, data):
        # ...
        self.accessibility_tree = data.accessibility_tree

    def clear_data(self):
        # ...
        self.accessibility_tree = None

Note that I clear the accessibility_tree field once it’s sent to the browser thread, much like with the display list, to avoid a data race.

Now that the tree is in the browser thread, let’s implement the screen reader. We’ll use two Python libraries to actually read text out loud: gtts (which wraps the Google text-to-speech service) and playsound. You can install them using pip:

python3 -m pip install gtts
python3 -m pip install playsound

You can use these libraries to convert text to an audio file, and then play it:

import os
import gtts
import playsound

SPEECH_FILE = "/tmp/speech-fragment.mp3"

def speak_text(text):
    print("SPEAK:", text)
    tts = gtts.gTTS(text)

You may need to adjust the SPEECH_FILE path to fit your system better. If you have trouble importing any of the libraries, you may need to consult the gtts or playsound documentation. If you can’t get these libraries working, just delete everything in speak_text except the print statement. You won’t hear things being spoken, but you can at least debug by watching the console output.

To start with, we’ll want a key binding that turns the screen reader on and off. While real operating systems typically use more obscure shortcuts, I’ll use Ctrl-a to turn on the screen reader in the event loop:

def mainloop(browser):
    while True:
        if sdl2.SDL_PollEvent(ctypes.byref(event)) != 0:
            elif event.type == sdl2.SDL_KEYDOWN:
                if ctrl_down:
                    # ...
                    elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_a:

The toggle_accessibility method tells the Tab that accessibility is on:

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.needs_accessibility = False
        self.accessibility_is_on = False

    def set_needs_accessibility(self):
        if not self.accessibility_is_on:
        self.needs_accessibility = True
        self.needs_draw = True

    def toggle_accessibility(self):
        self.accessibility_is_on = not self.accessibility_is_on

When accessibility is on, the Browser should call a new update_accessibility method, which we’ll implement in a moment to actually produce sound:

class Browser:
    def composite_raster_and_draw(self):
        # ...
        if self.needs_accessibility:

Now, what should the screen reader say? That’s not really up to the browser—the screen reader is a standalone application, often heavily configured by its user, and can decide on its own. But as a simple debugging aid, let’s write a screen reader that speaks the whole web page once it’s loaded; of course, a real screen reader is much more flexible than that.

To speak the whole document, we need to know how to speak each AccessibilityNode. This has to be decided back in the Tab, since the text will include DOM content that is not accessible to the browser thread. So let’s add a text field to AccessibilityNode and set it in build according to the node’s role and surrounding DOM context. For text nodes it’s just the text, and otherwise it describes the element tag, plus whether it’s focused.

class AccessibilityNode:
    def __init__(self, node):
        # ...
        self.text = ""

    def build(self):
        for child_node in self.node.children:

        if self.role == "StaticText":
            self.text = repr(self.node.text)
        elif self.role == "focusable text":
            self.text = "Focusable text: " + self.node.text
        elif self.role == "focusable":
            self.text = "Focusable element"
        elif self.role == "textbox":
            if "value" in self.node.attributes:
                value = self.node.attributes["value"]
            elif self.node.tag != "input" and self.node.children and \
                 isinstance(self.node.children[0], Text):
                value = self.node.children[0].text
                value = ""
            self.text = "Input box: " + value
        elif self.role == "button":
            self.text = "Button"
        elif self.role == "link":
            self.text = "Link"
        elif self.role == "alert":
            self.text = "Alert"
        elif self.role == "document":
            self.text = "Document"

        if self.node.is_focused:
            self.text += " is focused"

This text construction logic is, of course, pretty naive, but it’s enough to demonstrate the idea. Here is how it works out for the focus example:

 role=document text=Document
   role=button text=Button
     role=focusable text text=Focusable text: This is a button
   role=StaticText text='\nThis is an input element: '
   role=textbox text=Input box: 
   role=StaticText text=' and\n'
   role=link text=Link
     role=focusable text text=Focusable text: this is a link.
   role=StaticText text='Not focusable'
   role=textbox text=Input box: custom contents
     role=StaticText text='custom contents'
   role=focusable text=Focusable element
     role=focusable text text=Focusable text: Tabbable element
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=StaticText text='\n.\n'
   role=focusable text=Focusable element
     role=focusable text text=Focusable text: Offscreen
   role=link text=Link
     role=focusable text text=Focusable text:

The screen reader can then read the whole document by speaking the text field on each AccessibilityNode.

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.has_spoken_document = False

    def update_accessibility(self):
        if not self.accessibility_tree: return

        if not self.has_spoken_document:
            self.has_spoken_document = True

    def speak_document(self):
        text = "Here are the document contents: "
        tree_list = tree_to_list(self.accessibility_tree, [])
        for accessibility_node in tree_list:
            new_text = accessibility_node.text
            if new_text:
                text += "\n"  + new_text


Speaking the whole document happens only once. But the user might need feedback as they browse the page. For example, when the user tabs from one element to another, they may want the new element spoken to them so they know what they’re interacting with.

To do that, the browser thread is going to need to know which element is focused. Let’s add that to the CommitData:

class CommitData:
    def __init__(self, url, scroll, height, display_list,
                 composited_updates, accessibility_tree, focus):
        # ...
        self.focus = focus

Make sure to pass this new argument in run_animation_frame. Then, in Browser, we’ll need to extract this field and save it to tab_focus:

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.tab_focus = None

    def commit(self, tab, data):
        if tab == self.active_tab:
            # ...
            self.tab_focus = data.focus

Now we need to know when focus changes. The simplest way is to store a last_tab_focus field on Browser with the last focused element we actually spoke out loud:

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.last_tab_focus = None

Then, if tab_focus isn’t equal to last_tab_focus, we know focus has moved and it’s time to speak the focused node. The change looks like this:

class Browser:
    def update_accessibility(self):
        # ...
        if self.tab_focus and \
            self.tab_focus != self.last_tab_focus:
            nodes = [node for node in tree_to_list(
                self.accessibility_tree, [])
                        if node.node == self.tab_focus]
            if nodes:
                self.focus_a11y_node = nodes[0]
                    self.focus_a11y_node, "element focused ")
            self.last_tab_focus = self.tab_focus

The speak_node method is similar to speak_document but it only speaks a single node:

class Browser:
    def speak_node(self, node, text):
        text += node.text
        if text and node.children and \
            node.children[0].role == "StaticText":
            text += " " + \

        if text:

There’s a lot more in a real screen reader: landmarks, navigating text at different granularities, repeating text when requested, and so on. Those features make various uses of the accessibility tree and the roles of the various nodes. But since the focus of this book is on the browser, not the screen reader itself, let’s focus for the rest of this chapter on additional browser features that support accessibility.

The accessibility tree isn’t just for screen readers. For example, some users prefer touch output such as a braille display instead of or in addition to speech output. While the output device is quite different, the accessibility tree would still contain all the information about what content is on the page, whether it can be interacted with, its state, and so on. Moreover, by using the same accessibility tree for all output devices, users who use more than one assistive technology (like a braille display and a screen reader) are sure to receive consistent information.

Accessible Alerts

Scripts do not interact directly with the accessibility tree, much like they do not interact directly with the display list. However, sometimes scripts need to inform the screen reader about why they’re making certain changes to the page to give screen reader users a better experience. The most common example is an alertAlso called a “toast”, because it pops up. telling you that some action you just did failed. A screen reader user needs the alert read to them immediately, no matter where in the document it’s inserted.

The alert role addresses this need. A screen reader will immediatelyThe alert is only triggered if the element is added to the document, has the alert role (or the equivalent aria-live value, assertive), and is visible in the layout tree (meaning it doesn’t have display: none), or if its contents change. In this chapter, I won’t handle all of these cases—I’ll just focus on new elements with an alert role, not changes to contents or CSS. read an element with that role, no matter where in the document the user currently is. Note that there aren’t any HTML elements whose default role is alert, so this requires the page author to explicitly set the role attribute.

On to implementation. We first need to make it possible for scripts to change the role attribute, by adding support for the setAttribute method. On the JavaScript side, this just calls a browser API:

Node.prototype.setAttribute = function(attr, value) {
    return call_python("setAttribute", this.handle, attr, value);

The Python side is also quite simple:

class JSContext:
    def __init__(self, tab):
        # ...
    # ...

    def setAttribute(self, handle, attr, value):
        elt = self.handle_to_node[handle]
        elt.attributes[attr] = value

Now we can implement the alert role. Search the accessibility tree for elements with that role:

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.active_alerts = []

    def update_accessibility(self):
        self.active_alerts = [
            node for node in tree_to_list(
                self.accessibility_tree, [])
            if node.role == "alert"
        # ...

Now, we can’t just read out every alert at every frame; we need to keep track of what elements have already been read, so we don’t read them twice:

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.spoken_alerts = []

    def update_accessibility(self):
        # ...
        for alert in self.active_alerts:
            if alert not in self.spoken_alerts:
                self.speak_node(alert, "New alert")

Since spoken_alerts points into the accessibility tree, we need to update it any time the accessibility tree is rebuilt, to point into the new tree. Just like with compositing, use the node pointers in the accessibility tree to match accessibility nodes between the old and new accessibility tree. Note that, while this matching could be done inside commit, we want that method to be as fast as possible since that method blocks both the browser and main threads. So it’s best to do it in update_accessibility:

class Browser:
    def update_accessibility(self):
        # ...
        new_spoken_alerts = []
        for old_node in self.spoken_alerts:
            new_nodes = [
                node for node in tree_to_list(
                    self.accessibility_tree, [])
                if node.node == old_node.node
                and node.role == "alert"
            if new_nodes:
        self.spoken_alerts = new_spoken_alerts
        # ...

Note that if a node loses the alert role, we remove it from spoken_alerts, so that if it later gains the alert role back, it will be spoken again. This sounds like an edge case, but having a single element for all of your alerts (and just changing its class, say, from hidden to visible) is a common pattern.

You should now be able to load up this example and hear alert text once the button is clicked.

The alert role is an example of what ARIA calls a “live region”, a region of the page which can change as a result of user actions. There are other roles (like status or alertdialog), or live regions can be configured on a more granular level by setting their “politeness” via the aria-live attribute (assertive notifications interrupt the user, but polite ones don’t); what kinds of changes to announce, via aria-atomic and aria-relevant; and whether the live region is in a finished or intermediate state, via aria-busy. In addition, aria-live is all that’s necessary to create a live region; no role is necessary.

Voice and Visual Interaction

Thanks to our work in this chapter, our rendering pipeline now basically has two different outputs: a display list for visual interaction, and an accessibility tree for screen reader interaction. Many users will use just one or the other. However, it can also be valuable to use both together. For example, a user might have limited vision—able to make out the general items on a web page but unable to read the text. Such a user might use their mouse to navigate the page, but need the items under the mouse to be read to them by a screen reader.

Let’s try that. Implementing this particular feature requires each accessibility node to know about its geometry on the page. The user could then instruct the screen reader to determine which object is under the mouse (via hit testing) and read it aloud.

Getting access to the geometry is tricky, because the accessibility tree is generated from the HTML tree, while the geometry is accessible in the layout tree. Let’s add a layout_object pointer to each Element object to help with that:If it has a layout object, that is. Some Elements might not, and their layout_object pointers will stay None.

class Element:
    def __init__(self, tag, attributes, parent):
        # ...
        self.layout_object = None

class Text:
    def __init__(self, text, parent):
        # ...
        self.layout_object = None

Now, when we construct a layout object, we can fill in the layout_object field of its Element. In BlockLayout, it looks like this:

class BlockLayout:
    def __init__(self, node, parent, previous):
        # ...
        node.layout_object = self

Make sure to add a similar line of code to the constructors for every other type of layout object. Each AccessibilityNode can then store the layout object’s bounds:

class AccessibilityNode:
    def __init__(self, node):
        # ...
        self.bounds = self.compute_bounds()

    def compute_bounds(self):
        if self.node.layout_object:
            return [absolute_bounds_for_obj(self.node.layout_object)]
        # ...

Note that I’m using absolute_bounds_for_obj here, because the bounds we’re interested in are the absolute coordinates on the screen, after any transformations like translate.

However, there is another complication: it may be that node.layout_object is not set; for example, text nodes do not have one.And that’s OK, because I chose not to set bounds at all for these nodes, as they are not focusable. Likewise, nodes with inline layout generally do not. So we need to walk up the tree to find the parent with a BlockLayout and union all text nodes in all LineLayouts that are children of the current node. And because there can be multiple LineLayouts and text nodes, the bounds need to be in an array of skia.Rect objects:

class AccessibilityNode:
    def compute_bounds(self):
        # ...
        if isinstance(self.node, Text):
            return []
        inline = self.node.parent
        bounds = []
        while not inline.layout_object: inline = inline.parent
        for line in inline.layout_object.children:
            line_bounds = skia.Rect.MakeEmpty()
            for child in line.children:
                if child.node.parent == self.node:
                        child.x, child.y, child.width, child.height))
        return bounds

So let’s implement the read-on-hover feature. First we need to listen for mouse move events in the event loop, which in SDL are called MOUSEMOTION:

def mainloop(browser):
    while True:
        if sdl2.SDL_PollEvent(ctypes.byref(event)) != 0:
            # ...
            elif event.type == sdl2.SDL_MOUSEMOTION:

The browser should listen to the hovered position, determine if it’s over an accessibility node, and highlight that node. We don’t want to disturb the normal rendering cadence, so in handle_hover save the hover event and then in composite_raster_and_draw react to the hover:

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.pending_hover = None

    def handle_hover(self, event):
        if not self.accessibility_is_on or \
            not self.accessibility_tree:
        self.pending_hover = (event.x, event.y -

When the user hovers over a node, we’ll do two things. First, draw its bounds on the screen; this helps users see what they’re hovering over, plus it’s also helpful for debugging. Do that in paint_draw_list; start by finding the accessibility node the user is hovering over (note the need to take scroll into account):

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.hovered_a11y_node = None

    def paint_draw_list(self):
        # ...
        if self.pending_hover:
            (x, y) = self.pending_hover
            y += self.active_tab_scroll
            a11y_node = self.accessibility_tree.hit_test(x, y)

By the way, the acronym a11y in a11y_node, with an “a”, the number 11, and a “y”, is a common shorthand for the word “accessibility”.The number “11” refers to the number of letters we’re eliding from “accessibility”. The hit_test function recurses over the accessibility tree:

class AccessibilityNode:
    def contains_point(self, x, y):
        for bound in self.bounds:
            if bound.contains(x, y):
                return True
        return False

    def hit_test(self, x, y):
        node = None
        if self.contains_point(x, y):
            node = self
        for child in self.children:
            res = child.hit_test(x, y)
            if res: node = res
        return node

Once the hit test is done and the browser knows what node the user is hovering over, save this information on the Browser—so that the outline persists between frames—and draw an outline:

class Browser:
    def paint_draw_list(self):
        if self.pending_hover:
            # ...
            if a11y_node:
                self.hovered_a11y_node = a11y_node
            self.pending_hover = None

Finally, we can draw the outline at the end of paint_draw_list:

class Browser:
    def paint_draw_list(self):
        # ...
        if self.hovered_a11y_node:
            for bound in self.hovered_a11y_node.bounds:
                    "white" if self.dark_mode else "black", 2))

Note that the color of the outline depends on whether or not dark mode is on, to ensure high contrast.

So now we have an outline drawn. But we additionally want to speak what the user is hovering over. To do that we’ll need another flag, needs_speak_hovered_node, which we’ll set whenever hover moves from one element to another:

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.needs_speak_hovered_node = False

    def paint_draw_list(self):
        if self.pending_hover:
            if a11y_node:
                if not self.hovered_a11y_node or \
                    a11y_node.node != self.hovered_a11y_node.node:
                    self.needs_speak_hovered_node = True
                # ...

The ugly conditional is necessary to handle two cases: either hovering over an object when nothing was previously hovered, or moving the mouse from one object onto another. We set the flag in either case, and then use that flag in update_accessibility:

class Browser:
    def update_accessibility(self):
        # ...
        if self.needs_speak_hovered_node:
            self.speak_node(self.hovered_a11y_node, "Hit test ")
        self.needs_speak_hovered_node = False

You should now be able to turn on accessibility mode and move your mouse over the page to get both visual and auditory feedback about what you’re hovering on!

A common issue is web page authors making custom input elements and not thinking much about their accessibility. The reason for this is that built-in input elements are hard to style, so authors roll their own better-looking ones.

Built-in input elements often involve several separate pieces, like the path and button in a file input, the check box in a checkbox element, or the pop-up menu in a select dropdown, and CSS isn’t (yet) good at styling such “compound” elements, though pseudo-elements such as ::backdrop or ::file-selector-button help. Perhaps the best solution is standards for new fully styleable input elements.


This chapter introduces accessibility—features to ensure all users can access and interact with websites—and shows how to solve several of the most common accessibility problems in browsers. The key takeaways are:

Click here to try this chapter’s browser.


The complete set of functions, classes, and methods in our browser should now look something like this:

COOKIE_JAR class URL: def __init__(url) def request(referrer, payload) def resolve(url) def origin() def __str__() class Text: def __init__(text, parent) def __repr__() class Element: def __init__(tag, attributes, parent) def __repr__() def print_tree(node, indent) def tree_to_list(tree, list) def is_focusable(node) def get_tabindex(node) class HTMLParser: SELF_CLOSING_TAGS HEAD_TAGS def __init__(body) def parse() def get_attributes(text) def add_text(text) def add_tag(tag) def implicit_tags(tag) def finish() class CSSParser: def __init__(s) def whitespace() def literal(literal) def word() def ignore_until(chars) def pair(until) def selector() def body() def parse() def until_chars(chars) def simple_selector() def media_query() class TagSelector: def __init__(tag) def matches(node) class DescendantSelector: def __init__(ancestor, descendant) def matches(node) class PseudoclassSelector: def __init__(pseudoclass, base) def matches(node) FONTS def get_font(size, weight, style) def linespace(font) NAMED_COLORS def parse_color(color) def parse_blend_mode(blend_mode_str) def parse_transition(value) def parse_transform(transform_str) def parse_outline(outline_str) REFRESH_RATE_SEC class MeasureTime: def __init__() def time(name) def stop(name) def finish() class Task: def __init__(task_code) def run() class TaskRunner: def __init__(tab) def schedule_task(task) def set_needs_quit() def clear_pending_tasks() def start_thread() def run() def handle_quit() DEFAULT_STYLE_SHEET INHERITED_PROPERTIES def style(node, rules, tab) def cascade_priority(rule) def diff_styles(old_style, new_style) class NumericAnimation: def __init__(old_value, new_value, num_frames) def animate() def dpx(css_px, zoom) WIDTH, HEIGHT HSTEP, VSTEP INPUT_WIDTH_PX BLOCK_ELEMENTS class DocumentLayout: def __init__(node) def layout(zoom) def should_paint() def paint() def paint_effects(cmds) class BlockLayout: def __init__(node, parent, previous) def layout_mode() def layout() def recurse(node) def new_line() def word(node, word) def input(node) def self_rect() def should_paint() def paint() def paint_effects(cmds) class LineLayout: def __init__(node, parent, previous) def layout() def should_paint() def paint() def paint_effects(cmds) class TextLayout: def __init__(node, word, parent, previous) def layout() def should_paint() def paint() def paint_effects(cmds) def self_rect() class InputLayout: def __init__(node, parent, previous) def layout() def should_paint() def paint() def paint_effects(cmds) def self_rect() class PaintCommand: def __init__(rect) class DrawText: def __init__(x1, y1, text, font, color) def execute(canvas) class DrawRect: def __init__(rect, color) def execute(canvas) class DrawRRect: def __init__(rect, radius, color) def execute(canvas) class DrawLine: def __init__(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, thickness) def execute(canvas) class DrawOutline: def __init__(rect, color, thickness) def execute(canvas) class DrawCompositedLayer: def __init__(composited_layer) def execute(canvas) class VisualEffect: def __init__(rect, children, node) class Blend: def __init__(opacity, blend_mode, node, children) def execute(canvas) def map(rect) def unmap(rect) def clone(child) class Transform: def __init__(translation, rect, node, children) def execute(canvas) def map(rect) def unmap(rect) def clone(child) def local_to_absolute(display_item, rect) def absolute_bounds_for_obj(obj) def absolute_to_local(display_item, rect) def map_translation(rect, translation, reversed) def paint_tree(layout_object, display_list) def paint_visual_effects(node, cmds, rect) def paint_outline(node, cmds, rect, zoom) def add_parent_pointers(nodes, parent) class CompositedLayer: def __init__(skia_context, display_item) def can_merge(display_item) def add(display_item) def composited_bounds() def absolute_bounds() def raster() SPEECH_FILE class AccessibilityNode: def __init__(node) def compute_bounds() def build() def build_internal(child_node) def contains_point(x, y) def hit_test(x, y) def speak_text(text) EVENT_DISPATCH_JS SETTIMEOUT_JS XHR_ONLOAD_JS RUNTIME_JS class JSContext: def __init__(tab) def run(script, code) def dispatch_event(type, elt) def dispatch_settimeout(handle) def dispatch_xhr_onload(out, handle) def get_handle(elt) def querySelectorAll(selector_text) def getAttribute(handle, attr) def setAttribute(handle, attr, value) def innerHTML_set(handle, s) def style_set(handle, s) def XMLHttpRequest_send(...) def setTimeout(handle, time) def requestAnimationFrame() SCROLL_STEP class Tab: def __init__(browser, tab_height) def load(url, payload) def run_animation_frame(scroll) def render() def allowed_request(url) def raster(canvas) def clamp_scroll(scroll) def set_needs_render() def set_needs_layout() def set_needs_paint() def scrolldown() def click(x, y) def go_back() def submit_form(elt) def keypress(char) def focus_element(node) def activate_element(elt) def scroll_to(elt) def enter() def advance_tab() def zoom_by(increment) def reset_zoom() def set_dark_mode(val) class Chrome: def __init__(browser) def tab_rect(i) def paint() def click(x, y) def keypress(char) def enter() def blur() def focus_addressbar() class CommitData: def __init__(...) class Browser: def __init__() def schedule_animation_frame() def commit(tab, data) def render() def composite_raster_and_draw() def composite() def get_latest(effect) def paint_draw_list() def raster_tab() def raster_chrome() def update_accessibility() def draw() def speak_node(node, text) def speak_document() def set_needs_accessibility() def set_needs_animation_frame(tab) def set_needs_raster_and_draw() def set_needs_raster() def set_needs_composite() def set_needs_draw() def clear_data() def new_tab(url) def new_tab_internal(url) def set_active_tab(tab) def schedule_load(url, body) def clamp_scroll(scroll) def handle_down() def handle_click(e) def handle_key(char) def handle_enter() def handle_tab() def handle_hover(event) def handle_quit() def toggle_dark_mode() def increment_zoom(increment) def reset_zoom() def focus_content() def focus_addressbar() def go_back() def cycle_tabs() def toggle_accessibility() def mainloop(browser)


14-1 Focus ring with good contrast. Improve the contrast of the focus indicator by using two outlines, a thicker white one and a thinner black one, to ensure that there is contrast between the focus ring and surrounding content.

14-2 Focus method and events. Add support for the JavaScript focus() method and the corresponding focus and blur events on DOM elements. Make sure that focus() only has an effect on focusable elements. Be careful: before reading an element’s position, make sure that layout is up to date.

14-3 Highlighting elements during read. The method to read the document works, but it would be nice to also highlight the element being read as it happens, in a similar way to how we did it for mouse hover. Implement that. You may want to replace the speak_document method with an advance_accessibility method that moves the accessibility focus by one node and speaks it.

14-4 Width media queries. Zooming in or out causes the width of the page in CSS pixels to change. That means that sometimes elements that used to fit comfortably on the page no longer do, and if the page becomes narrow enough, a different layout may be more appropriate. The max-width media query allows the developer to style pages differently based on available width; it is active only if the width of the page, in CSS pixels, is less than or equal to a given length.As you’ve seen, many accessibility features also have non-accessibility uses. For example, the max-width media query is indeed a way to customize behavior on zoom, but most developers think of it instead as a way to customize their website for different devices, like desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. This is called responsive design, and can be viewed as a kind of accessibility. Implement this media query. Test that zooming in or out can trigger this media query.

After completing the exercise, this example should have green text on narrow screens.

14-5 Mixed inlines. Make the focus ring work correctly on nested inline elements. For example, in <a>a <b>bold</b> link</a>, the focus ring should cover all three words together when the user is focused on the link, and with multiple rectangles if the inline crosses lines. However, if the user focuses on a block-level element, such as in <div tabindex=2>many<br>lines</div>, there shouldn’t be a focus ring around each line, but instead the block as a whole.

14-6 Threaded accessibility. The accessibility code currently speaks text on the browser thread, and blocks the browser thread while it speaks. That’s frustrating to use. Solve this by moving the speaking to a new accessibility thread.

14-7 High-contrast mode. Implement high-contrast forced-colors mode. This should replace all colors with one of a small set of high-contrast colors.

14-8 focus-visible. When the user tabs to a link, we probably want to show a focus indicator, but if the user clicked on it, most browsers don’t—the user knows where the focused element is! And a redundant focus indicator could be ugly, or distracting. Implement a similar heuristic. Clicking on a button should focus it, but not show a focus indicator. (Test this on the focus example with a button placed outside a form, so clicking the button doesn’t navigate to a new page.) But both clicking on and tabbing to an input element should show a focus ring. Also add support for the :focus-visible pseudo-class. This applies only if the element is focused and the browser would have drawn a focus ring (the focus ring would have been visible, hence the name). This lets custom widgets change focus ring styling without losing the useful browser heuristics I mentioned above.

14-9 OS integration. Add the accessible_output Python library and use it to integrate directly with your OS’s built-in screen reader. Try out some of the examples in this chapter and compare the behavior with a real browser.

14-10 The zoom CSS property. Add support for the zoom CSS property. This exposes the same functionality as the zoom accessibility feature to web developers, plus it allows applying it only to designated HTML subtrees.

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