The Rendering Architecture

The Rendering Event Loop

Our browser now knows how to load a web page with HTTP and parse it into an HTML tree & style sheets. It can also render the page, by constructing the layout tree, computing styles on it, laying out its contents, and painting the result to the screen. These rendering steps make up a basic rendering pipeline for the browser.

But of course, there is more to web pages than just running the rendering pipeline. There is keyboard/mouse/touch input, scrolling, interacting with browser chrome, submitting forms, executing scripts, loading things off the network, and so on. All of these are tasks that the browser executes. The rendering pipeline is also a task. To keep track of the list of tasks that it needs to execute next, a browser maintains a set of task queues.

When the browser is free to do work, it finds the next task in line from one of the queues and runs it; when it’s done it repeats, and so on. This process is called an event loop.Event loops were also briefly touched on in chapter 2. Tkinter uses an event loop behind the scenes to run our browser code (that’s what tkinter.mainloop does). There is more than one event loop in a real browser, but the most important one is the rendering event loop.

In this chapter we’ll first introduce the task queue concept into our browser. Then we’ll dive into the rendering event loop, its performance, and its complexities. All this work will then pay off handsomely—we’ll be ready to implement the compositor thread.As you’ll see, the compositor thread is an extremely important optimization present in all modern browsers. By using two CPU threads instead of one to render, we can make pages run faster and have dramatically better scrolling performance. Once that is done, our browser will have an structure that is recognizably similar to real browsers, and start to have simiperformance characteristics. Not bad for a thousand lines of code or so!

Task queues

Let’s implement a Task and a TaskQueue class. Then we can move all of the rendering event loop tasks into task queues.

A Task encapsulates some code to run in the form of a function, plus arguments to that function. A TaskQueue is simply a first-in-first-out list of Tasks.

class Task:
    def __init__(self, task_code, arg1=None, arg2=None):
        self.task_code = task_code
        self.arg1 = arg1
        self.arg2 = arg2
        self.__name__ = "task"

    def __call__(self):
        if self.arg2:
            self.task_code(self.arg1, self.arg2)
        elif self.arg1:
        # Prevent it accidentally running twice.
        self.task_code = None
        self.arg1 = None
        self.arg2 = None

class TaskQueue:
    def __init__(self):
        self.tasks = []

    def add_task(self, task_code):

    def has_tasks(self):
        return len(self.tasks) > 0

    def get_next_task(self):
        return self.tasks.pop(0)

(Note: in Python, __call__ is a method that is called when an object is called as if it’s a function; for example via code like Task()()—this constructs a Task and then “calls” it.)

But we can’t do much with this unless we implement our own rendering event loop first, instead of relying on the tkinter one. Let’s go ahead and make one now.


A simple version of the rendering event loop looks approximately like this:

while True:
    while there_is_enough_time():

In other words, run some tasks from the task queue until enough time has passed that it’s time to draw to the screen. Then run the rendering pipeline. The rendering pipeline is a task, but it’s a special kind of task that is not really in its own event queue.

How long should “enough time” be? This was first discussed in Chapter 2, which introduced the animation frame budget, The animation frame budget is the amount of time allocated to re-draw the screen after an something has changed. The animation frame budget is typically about 16ms, in order to draw at 60Hz (60 * 16.66ms ~ 1s), and matches the refresh rate of most displays. This means that each iteration through the while loop should ideally complete in at most 16ms.

It also means that the browser should not run the while loop faster than that speed, even if the CPU is up to it, because there is no point—the screen can’t keep up anyway. For this reason, 16ms is not just an animation frame budget but also a desired rendering cadence. If an iteration of the while loop finishes faster than 16ms, the browser should wait a bit before the next iteration.

Let’s implement the rendering event loop and try to match this cadence. As a first step, rename layout to run_rendering_pipeline, since that’s what it does:

def run_rendering_pipeline(self):
    # ...

Next, let’s work on the cadence. Currently, our browser runs the rendering pipeline immediately after each possible event that might cause a change to what is shown on the screen. Instead of running the rendering pipeline immediately, the browser should schedule it to run up to 16ms in the future, if needed. Those methods also call reflow directly and not layout; we’ll need to fix that too.

Let’s add a new set_needs_animation_frame method, and use the after method on a tkinter canvas to do the scheduling for us on its internal event loop:

REFRESH_RATE_MS = 16 # 16ms

class Browser:
    def __init__(self):
        self.needs_animation_frame = False

    def set_needs_animation_frame(self):
        if not self.needs_animation_frame:
            self.needs_animation_frame = True

We’ll also need to store off which elements need reflow via a new set_needs_reflow method:

class Browser:
    # ...
    self.reflow_roots = []

    def set_needs_reflow(self, layout_object):

    def run_rendering_pipeline():
        # ...
        for reflow_root in self.reflow_roots:
        self.reflow_roots = []

Now modify handle_click, keypress, load, js_innerHTML and scrolldown to use these methods. Here’s handle_click:

    def handle_click(self, e):
        # ...

Next, wrap each of the event handler callbacks in a Task object (this doesn’t use the TaskList class yet, but we’ll get to that soon):In case you haven’t seen it before, functools.partial takes a function and some arguments and binds them together in a new function; this technique is called currying. It’s called “partial” because you can curry only some of the arguments and add the rest later. This ends up happening in the above code in a somewhat complicated way: tkinter will call the Task object like it’s a function, which will in turn execute the __call__ method on the Task class, which finally passes the event object to the curried task function. Complicated, but once implemented it’s pretty easy to read and think about.

class Browser
    def __init__:

    def bind_task(self, task):
        return functools.partial(self.schedule_task, task)

    def schedule_task(self, task, event):
        self.canvas.after(0, Task(task, event))

Now you have an event loop that renders every 16ms!

Scripts in the event loop

In addition to event handlers, it’s also of course possible for scripts to run in the rendering event loop. In general, the rendering event loop can run any of a wide variety of tasks, only some of which respond to input events. As we saw in chapter 9, the first way in which scripts can be run is that when a <script> tag is inserted into the DOM, the script subsequently loads and then runs. We can easily wrap all this in a Task, like so:

    for script in find_scripts(self.nodes, []):
        header, body = request(relative_url(
            script, self.history[-1]), headers=req_headers)
        self.canvas.after(0, Task(self.js.evaljs, body))

Of course, scripts are not just for running straight through in one task, or responding to input events. They can also schedule more events to be put on the rendering event loop and run later. There are multiple JavaScript APIs in browsers to do this, but for now let’s focus on the one most related to rendering: requestAnimationFrame. It’s used like this:

/* This is JavaScript */
function callback() {
    console.log("I was called!");

This code will do two things: request an “animation frame” task to be run on the event loop, and call callback at the beginning of that task. An animation frame is the same thing as “run the rendering pipeline”, and allows JavaScript to run just before run_rendering_pipeline. The implementation of this JavaScript API is as follows:

    def js_requestAnimationFrame(self):
        self.needs_raf_callbacks = True

We’ll also need to wrap run_rendering_pipeline in a new method, run_animation_frame, that first executes the JavaScript callbacks. The full definition is below; I’ve taken the liberty to move update_idletasks out of run_rendering_pipeline, since it’s not really part of it:

    def setup_js(self):
        # ...

    def js_requestAnimationFrame(self):
        self.needs_raf_callbacks = True

    def run_animation_frame(self):
        self.needs_animation_frame = False

        if (self.needs_raf_callbacks):
            self.needs_raf_callbacks = False
            # ...

        # ...

    def run_rendering_pipeline(self):
        if self.needs_layout_tree_rebuild:
            self.document = DocumentLayout(self.nodes)
            self.reflow_roots = [self.document]
        self.needs_layout_tree_rebuild = False

        for reflow_root in self.reflow_roots:
        self.reflow_roots = []

And in the JavaScript runtime we’ll need:


function requestAnimationFrame(fn) {

function __runRAFHandlers() {
    var handlers_copy = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < RAF_LISTENERS.length; i++) {
    for (var i = 0; i < handlers_copy.length; i++) {

Let’s walk through what run_animation_frame does:

  1. Reset the variables needs_animation_frame and needs_raf_callbacks to false.

  2. Call the JavaScript callbacks.

  3. Run the rendering pipeline.

Look a bit more closely at steps 1 and 2. Would it work to run step 1 after step 2? The answer is no, but the reason is subtle: it’s because the JavaScript callback code could once again call requestAnimationFrame. If this happens during such a callback, the spec says that a second animation frame should be scheduled (and 16ms further in the future, naturally). Likewise, the runtime JavaScript needs to be careful to copy the RAF_LISTENERS array to a temporary variable and then clear out RAF_LISTENERS, so that it can be re-filled by any new calls to requestAnimationFrame.

This situation may seem like a corner case, but it’s actually very important, as this is how JavaScript can run a 60Hz animation. Let’s try it out with a script that counts from 1 to 100, one frame at a time:

var count = 0;
var start_time =;
var cur_frame_time = start_time

function callback() {
    var output = document.querySelectorAll("#output")[0];
    var since_last_frame = - cur_frame_time;
    var total_elapsed = - start_time;
    output.innerHTML = "count: " + (count++) + "<br>" +
        " time elapsed since last frame: " + 
        since_last_frame + "ms" +
        " total time elapsed: " + total_elapsed + "ms";
    if (count < 100)
    cur_frame_time =

To make the above code work, you’ll need this small addition to the runtime code:

function Date() {} = function() {
    return call_python("now");

and Python bindings:

def setup_js(self):
    # ...
    self.js.export_function("now", self.js_now)

def js_now(self):
    return int(time.time() * 1000)

This script will cause 100 animation frame tasks to run on the rendering event loop. During that time, our browser will display an animated count from 0 to 99.

Event loop speedup

To meet the desired rendering cadence of 60Hz, each of the 100 animation frames is ideally separated by about a 16ms gap. Unfortunately, when I ran the script script in out browser, I found that there were about 140ms between each frame. Looks like we have some work to do to get to 16ms!

Analyzing timings shows that, in this case, the slowdown is almost entirely in the rendering pipeline:

[  0.000810] runRAFHandlers
[  0.000057] Style
[  0.094592] Layout (phase 1A)
[  0.000010] Layout (phase 1B)
[  0.000050] Layout (phase 2)
[  0.019368] Paint
[  0.029137] Draw
[  0.002585] Draw Chrome
[  0.004198] IdleTasks
Total: 0.150807s (~150ms)

And the long pole in the rendering pipeline in this case is Layout phase 1A, followed by Paint and Drawing. These costs are due to changes to the element tree resulting from setting innerHTML on the #output element. The runRAFHandlers timing shows less than 1ms spent running actual JavaScript. In other scenarios, it could easily occur that the slowest part ends up being Style, Paint, or IdleTasks. For example, Style could be slow if the style sheet had a huge number of complex rules in it. If we’re not very careful in the implementation (or even if we are!) it could still be slow. The only way to be sure is to profile the code; the true source of the slowdown is sometimes not what you thought it was. The case in this chapter was a real example—I was truly unsure of which part was slow, until I profiled it.

Of course, it could also be that runRAFHandlers is the slowest part. For example, suppose we inserted the following busyloop into the callback, like so:

function callback() {
    var now =;
    while ( - date < 100) {}
    # ...

The performance timings now look like this:

[  0.100409] runRAFHandlers
[  0.000095] Style
[  0.157739] Layout (phase 1A)
[  0.000012] Layout (phase 1B)
[  0.000052] Layout (phase 2)
[  0.024089] Paint
[  0.033669] Draw
[  0.002961] Draw Chrome
[  0.010219] IdleTasks

As you can see, runRAFHandlers now takes 100ms to finish, so it’s the slowest part of the loop. This demonstrates, of course, that no matter how cleverly we optimize the browser, it’s always possible for JavaScript to make it slow. Browser engineers can’t rewrite a site’s JavaScript to be magically faster!

There are a few general techniques for optimizing the browser when encountering situations like we’ve discussed so far:

  1. Do less work: use a faster algorithm, perform fewer memory allocations or function calls and branches, or skip work that is not necessary. The optimization we worked out in chapter 2 to skip painting for off-screen elements is a good example.

  2. Cache: carefully remember what the browser already knows from the previous animation frame, and re-compute only what is absolutely necessary for the next one. An example is the partial layout optimizations in chapter 10.

  3. Parallelize: run tasks on more than one CPU thread or process. We haven’t seen an example of this yet, but will see one later in this chapter.

  4. Schedule: when possible, delay tasks that can be done later in batches, or break up work into smaller chunks and do them in separate animation frames. The every-16ms animation frame task is a form of scheduling—it waits that long on purpose to gather up rendering work queued in the meantime.There aren’t a lot of great examples of scheduling yet in this book’s browser, and this chapter is already long. I’ve left some examples to explore in the exercises.

Let’s consider each class of optimization in turn.

Do less work & Cache

What could we do to make Paint, for example, faster? There are a few micro-optimizations we could try, such as pre-allocating self.display_list rather than appending to it each time. I tried this on my machine, and it showed no benefit.That may or may not be due to the interpred nature of Python vs compiled languages such as C++.

Ok that didn’t work. What now? It can be hard to guess the right micro-optimizations, especially for interpreted languages which have speed characteristics that are hard to predict without a lot of experience. Instead, let’s take the next step beyond using per-rendering pipeline stage timing—a CPU profile. We can do that by using the cPython profiler that comes with python, via a command like like:

python -m cPython <>

The output looks like this for me (only listing the top methods by cumulative time spent:

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     65/1    0.000    0.000    6.633    6.633 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    0.000    0.000    6.633    6.633<module>)
        1    0.000    0.000    6.512    6.512
        1    0.028    0.028    6.512    6.512 {method 'mainloop' of '_tkinter.tkapp' objects}
       51    0.000    0.000    6.484    0.127
       51    0.000    0.000    6.484    0.127
       51    0.001    0.000    6.482    0.127
     6290    6.344    0.001    6.344    0.001 {method 'call' of '_tkinter.tkapp' objects}
      102    0.000    0.000    6.311    0.062
       52    0.001    0.000    6.311    0.121
   159/52    0.002    0.000    4.221    0.081
       53    0.001    0.000    4.216    0.080
     2472    0.006    0.000    3.307    0.001
   208/53    0.001    0.000    2.856    0.054
      104    0.003    0.000    2.583    0.025
      618    0.004    0.000    1.759    0.003
     1236    0.008    0.000    1.678    0.001
      104    0.001    0.000    1.632    0.016
      104    0.000    0.000    1.631    0.016
      104    0.002    0.000    1.631    0.016
       52    0.004    0.000    1.271    0.024

As you can see, there is a bunch of time spent, seemingly about equally spread between layout and painting. The next thing to do is to examine each method mentioned above and see if you can find anything that might be optimized out. As it turns out, there is one that is pretty easy to fix, which is the lines that perform font measure-ment.How did I figure this out? Process of elimination—comment out some code and re-profile to see if it got faster; repeat until I found an improvement. Apparently, tkinter fonts don’t have a good internal cache (or perhaps they have a cache keyed off the font object), and loading fonts is expensive.Fonts are surprisingly large, sometimes on the order of multiple megabytes. This is especially so for scripts like Chinese that have a lot of different, complex characters. For this reason they are generally stored on disk and only loaded into memory on-demand, and it is therefore slow to load them. Optimizing font loading (and the cost to shape them and lay them out, since many web pages have a lot of text) turns out to be one of the most important parts of speeding up text rendering. But on our test page, there is only one font! There’s got to be a way to not repeat this cost for every single layout object. Let’s optimize for that situation with a font cache:


def GetFont(size, weight, style):
    key = (size, weight, style)
    value = FONT_CACHE.get(key)
    if value: return value
    value = tkinter.font.Font(size=size, weight=weight, slant=style)
    FONT_CACHE[key] = value
    return value

class TextLayout:
    # ...

    def size(self):
        # ...
        self.font = GetFont(size, weight, style) 

This turns out to make a dramatic difference, not just in text measurement, but in layout and paint. How simple and convenient!

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     65/1    0.000    0.000    1.143    1.143 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    0.000    0.000    1.143    1.143<module>)
        1    0.000    0.000    1.007    1.007
        1    0.435    0.435    1.007    1.007 {method 'mainloop' of '_tkinter.tkapp' objects}
       51    0.000    0.000    0.572    0.011
       51    0.001    0.000    0.572    0.011
       51    0.002    0.000    0.570    0.011
     5108    0.449    0.000    0.450    0.000 {method 'call' of '_tkinter.tkapp' objects}
      102    0.000    0.000    0.441    0.004
       52    0.001    0.000    0.441    0.008
       52    0.003    0.000    0.290    0.006
     1133    0.005    0.000    0.270    0.000
      925    0.001    0.000    0.258    0.000
      873    0.002    0.000    0.152    0.000
       56    0.001    0.000    0.150    0.003
       56    0.018    0.000    0.145    0.003 {built-in method dukpy._dukpy.eval_string}
   159/52    0.003    0.000    0.127    0.002
      308    0.003    0.000    0.127    0.000
       53    0.000    0.000    0.121    0.002
       51    0.001    0.000    0.112    0.002
   208/53    0.000    0.000    0.091    0.002
        1    0.000    0.000    0.086    0.086
      104    0.002    0.000    0.086    0.001
     2472    0.003    0.000    0.085    0.000

As you can see, everything became a lot faster. This is because font measurement overhead was making both layout and paint slower for every single object. The new timings show that we’re easily meeting the 16ms animation frame budget:

[  0.000753] runRAFHandlers
[  0.000091] Style
[  0.000925] Layout (phase 1A)
[  0.000012] Layout (phase 1B)
[  0.000055] Layout (phase 2)
[  0.000194] Paint
[  0.004903] Draw
[  0.003691] Draw Chrome
[  0.001578] IdleTasks
Total: 0.012s = 12ms

Great! Technically speaking though, this font optimization is not a pure micro-optimization, but a caching strategy, so let’s now discuss that.

Various kinds of caches are the single most effective class of optimizations for browsers. Real browsers have caches all over the place—network resource caches and font caches are two. (Well, we haven’t actually implemented a network cache yet—maybe in a future chapter?) The rendering pipeline is no different: there are caches of various kinds throughout style, layout, and paint. In fact, we already saw an example of this in chapter 10. Notice that the layout tree itself is a cache, as is the display list.)

Let’s keep optimizing. The top item in the CPU profile below run_rendering_pipeline is reflow. However, this is a little unclear, since reflow currently includes style, layout, paint and draw. Let’s at least separate paint and draw:

    def run_rendering_pipeline(self):
        for reflow_root in self.reflow_roots:
        self.reflow_roots = []
        # ...

With these changes, the profile now shows that draw is actually a big component of the remaining cost, with the following breakdown (this data is the time spent, aggregated over 50 animation frames):

ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
    52    0.005    0.000    0.391    0.008
    873   0.003    0.000    0.201    0.000

Line 676 is DrawText.draw. Half the time drawing is in drawing text. (I told you that fonts and text rendering are big time hogs and sources of optimization!) Also note that the total time spent drawing text is only 0.201s in this case, and therefore about 2ms per animation frame. If the amount of text was much larger, this would become a big problem, and we’d start missing the 16ms animation frame budget again.

Unfortunately, in this case it appears there is nothing further we can do, without finding out where to optimize tkinter further…or is there? Let’s go back to the list of ways to make the event loop faster. We alreedy talked about the techniques of do-less-work less work and cache. How about parallelize? Can’t we run these draw commands on a different thread? Yes, we can!

The Compositor thread

The second thread that runs drawing is often called the compositor thread. It’s so named because in a real browser it’ll end up doing a lot more than drawing to a canvas, but let’s skip that part for now and focus on drawing.

To get the compositor thread working, we’ll have to find a way to run tkinter on a second thread, and communicate between the threads in a way that allows them to do things in parallel. The first thing you should know is that tkinter is not thread-safe, so it cannot magically parallelize for free. Instead we’ll have to carefully avoid using tkinter at all on the main thread, and move all use of it to the compositor thread.

The approach we’ll take is to call the thread we already have the compositor thread, and add a new thread; this thread is usually called the main thread. The main thread will run these kinds of tasks in our browser:

The compositor thread (the one with tkinter in it) will be in charge of:

To do this we’ll have to expand greatly on the implementation of an event loop, because now we’ll need to manage this event loop ourselves rather than using tkinter for most of it.

Let’s start the implementation by introducing a class MainThreadRunner that encapsulates the main thread and its rendering event loop. The two threads will communicate by writing to and reading from some shared data structures, and use a threading.Lock object to prevent race conditions.Our browser code uses locks, because real multi-threaded programs will need them. However, Python has a global interpreter lock, which means that you can’t really run two Python threads in parallel, so technically these locks don’t do anything useful in our browser. And this also means, of course, that the real performance of our browser will not actually be faster with two threads, unless work is offloaded to code that is not using Python bytecodes.

class MainThreadRunner:
    def __init__(self, browser):
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        self.browser = browser
        self.needs_animation_frame = False
        self.main_thread = threading.Thread(, args=())
        self.script_tasks = TaskQueue(self.lock)
        self.browser_tasks = TaskQueue(self.lock)

    def start(self):

It will have some methods to set the variables, such as:

    def schedule_animation_frame(self):
        self.needs_animation_frame = True

    def schedule_script_task(self, script):

With accompanying edits to TaskQueue to add a lock:

class TaskQueue:
    def __init__(self, lock):
        self.tasks = []
        self.lock = lock

    def add_task(self, task_code):

    def has_tasks(self):
        retval = len(self.tasks) > 0
        return retval

    def get_next_task(self):
        retval = self.tasks.pop(0)
        return retval

Its main functionality is in the run method, which implements a simple event loop strategy that runs the rendering pipeline if needed, and also one browser method and one script task, if there are any on those queues. It then sleeps for 1ms and checks again.

     def run(self):
        while True:
            needs_animation_frame = self.needs_animation_frame
            if needs_animation_frame:

            browser_method = None
            if self.browser_tasks.has_tasks():
                browser_method = self.browser_tasks.get_next_task()
            if browser_method:

            script = None
            if self.script_tasks.has_tasks():
                script = self.script_tasks.get_next_task()

            if script:

            time.sleep(0.001) # 1ms

The run_animation_frame method on Browser will run on the main thread. Since draw is supposed to happen on the compositor thread, we can’t run it as part of the main thread rendering pipeline. Instead, we need to commit (copy) the display list to the compositor thread, so that it can be drawn later:commit is the one time when both threads are both “stopped” simultaneously—in the sense that neither is running a different task at the same time. For this reason commit needs to be as fast as possible, so as to lose the minimum possible amount of parallelism.

    def commit(self):
        self.needs_draw = True
        self.draw_display_list = self.display_list.copy()

Over on the compositor thread, we need a loop that keeps looking for opportunities to draw (when self.needs_draw is true), and then doing so:

    def maybe_draw(self):
        if self.needs_quit:
        if self.needs_animation_frame and not self.display_scheduled:
            self.display_scheduled = True

        if self.needs_draw:
        self.needs_draw = False
        self.canvas.after(1, self.maybe_draw)

And of course, draw itself draws self.draw_display_list, not self.display_list:

    def draw(self):
        # ....
        for cmd in self.draw_display_list:
        # ...

Other tasks

Next up we’ll move browser tasks such as loading to the main thread. Now that we have MainThreadRunner, this is super easy! Whenever the compositor thread needs to schedule a task on the main thread event loop, we just call schedule_browser_task:

    # Runs on the compositor thread
    def schedule_load(self, url, body=None):
            Task(self.load, url, body))

    # Runs on the main thread
    def load(self, url, body=None):
        # ...

We can do the same for input event handlers, but there are a few additional subtleties. Let’s look closely at each of them in turn, starting with handle_click. In most cases, we will need to [hit test] ( for which DOM element receives the click event, and also fire an event that JavaScript can listen to. Since DOM computations and JavaScript can only be run on the main thread, it seems we should just send the click event to the main thread for processing. But if the click was not within the web page window, we can handle it right there in the compositor thread, and leave the main thread none the wiser:

    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.window.bind("<Button-1>", self.compositor_handle_click)

    # Runs on the compositor thread
    def compositor_handle_click(self, e):
        self.focus = None
        if e.y < 60:
            # Browser chrome clicks can be handled without the main thread...
            if 10 <= e.x < 35 and 10 <= e.y < 50:
            elif 50 <= e.x < 790 and 10 <= e.y < 50:
                self.focus = "address bar"
                self.address_bar = ""
            # ...but not clicks within the web page contents area
                Task(self.handle_click, e))

    # Runs on the main thread
    def handle_click(self, e):
        # ...

The same logic holds for keypress:

    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.window.bind("<Key>", self.compositor_keypress)

    # Runs on the compositor thread
    def compositor_keypress(self, e):
        if len(e.char) == 0: return
        if not (0x20 <= ord(e.char) < 0x7f): return

        if not self.focus:
        elif self.focus == "address bar":
            self.address_bar += e.char
                Task(self.keypress, e))

    # Runs on the main thread
    def keypress(self, e):
        self.focus.node.attributes["value"] += e.char
        self.dispatch_event("change", self.focus.node)

As it turns out, the return key and scrolling have no use at all for the main thread:

    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.window.bind("<Down>", self.scrolldown)
        self.window.bind("<Return>", self.press_enter)

    # Runs on the compositor thread
    def press_enter(self, e):
        if self.focus == "address bar":
            self.focus = None

    # Runs on the compositor thread
    def scrolldown(self, e):
        self.scroll = self.scroll + SCROLL_STEP
        self.scroll = min(self.scroll, self.max_y)
        self.scroll = max(0, self.scroll)

And we’re done! Now we can reap the benefits of two threads working in parallel. Here are the results:

Average total compositor thread time (Draw and Draw Chrome): 4.8ms
Average total main thread time: 4.4ms

This means that we’ve been able to save about half of the of main thread time. With that time we can do other work, such as more JavaScript tasks, while in parallel the draw operations happen. This kind of optimization is called pipeline parallelization.

Threaded interactions

All this work to create a compositor thread is not just to offload some of the rendering pipeline. There is another, even more important, performance advantage: any operation that does not require the main thread cannot be slowed down by it. Look closely at the code we’ve written in the previous section to handle input events—you’ll see that in the following cases the main thread is not involved at all:

These are threaded interactions—ones that don’t need to run any code at all on the main thread. No matter how slow the main thread rendering pipeline is, or how slow JavaScript is (even if it’s stuck in an infinite loop!), we can still smoothly scroll the parts of it that are already in draw_display_list, and type in the browser URL box.

In real browsers, the two examples listed above are extremely important optimizations. Think how annoying it would be to type in the name of a new website if the old one was getting in the way of your keystrokes because it was dslow. Likewise, scrolling a web page with a lot of slow JavaScript is sometimes painful unless the scrolling is threaded, even for relatively good sites.

Unfortunately, threaded scrolling is not always possible or feasible. In the best browsers today, there are two primary reasons why threaded scrolling may fail to occur:

Threaded style and layout

You may have wondered: does the earlier part of the rendering pipeline—style, layout and paint—have to run on the main thread? The answer is: in principle, no. The only thing browsers have to do is implement all the web API specifications correctly, and draw to the screen after scripts and requestAnimationFrame callbacks have completed. The specification spells this out in detail in what it calls the update-the-rendering steps. Go look at that link and come back. Notice anything missing? That’s right, it doesn’t mention style or layout at all! All it says is “update the rendering or user interface” at the very end.

How can that be? Aren’t style and layout crucial parts of the way HTML and CSS work? Yes they are—but note the spec doesn’t mention paint, draw or raster either. And just like those parts of the pipeline, style and layout are considered pure implementation details of a browser. The spec simply says that if rendering “opportunities” arise, then the update-the-rendering steps are the sequence of JavaScript-observable things that have to happen before drawing to the screen.

Nevertheless, no current modern browser runs style or layout on another thread than the main thread.The Servo rendering engine is sort of an exception. However, in that case it’s not that style and layout run on a different thread, but that they attempt to take advantage of parallelism for faster end-to-end performance. It’s more akin to the reason the hardware acceleration we saw in chapter 12 makes things faster; this is not the same thing as “threaded style and layout”. The reason is simple: there are many JavaScript APIs that can query style or layout state. For example, getComputedStyle can’t be implemented without the browser first computing style, and getBoundingClientRect needs layout.There is no JavaScript API that allows reading back state from anything later in the rendering pipeline than layout. If a web page calls one of these APIs, and style or layout is not up-to-date, then is has to be computed synchronously, then and there. These computations are called forced style or forced layout. The world “forced” refers to forcing the computation to happen right away, as opposed to possibly 16ms in the future if it didn’t happen to be already computed. Because there are forced style and layout situations, browsers have to be able to do that work on the main thread if necessary.Or stall the compositor thread and ask it to do it synchronously.

By analogy with web pages that don’t preventDefault a scroll, is it a good idea to try to optimistically move style and layout off the main thread for cases when JavaScript doesn’t force it to be done otherwise? Maybe, but even setting aside this problem there are unfortunately other sources of forced style and layout. One example is our current implementation of innerHTML. Look closely at the code, can you see the forced layout?

    def js_innerHTML(self, handle, s):
            doc = parse(lex("<!doctype><html><body>" +
                            s + "</body></html>"))
            new_nodes = doc.children[0].children
            elt = self.handle_to_node[handle]
            elt.children = new_nodes
            for child in elt.children:
                child.parent = elt
            if self.document:
                    layout_for_node(self.document, elt))
            import traceback

The call to run_rendering_pipeline is a forced layout. It’s needed because layout_for_node needs an up-to-date layout tree in order to find the right node. Luckily, this forced layout can be avoided. One way—employed by real browsers—is to store a pointer from each DOM element to its layout object, rather than searching for it by walking the layout tree.

However, even if we fix that there are yet more reasons why forced layouts are needed. A tricky one is hit testing. When a click event happens, looking at positions of layout objects is how the browser knows which element was clicked on. This is implemented in find_layout.

However, handle_click doesn’t call run_rendering_pipeline like js_innerHTML does; why not? In a real browser, this would be a bug, but in our current browser it’s really difficult to cause a situation to happen where a click event happens but the rendering pipeline is not up-to-date. That’s because currently the only way to schedule a script task is via requestAnimationFrame. In a real browser there is also setTimeout, for example. For completeness, let’s implement it by adding a call to update_rendering_pipeline before find_layout:

    # Runs on the main thread
    def handle_click(self, e):
        # ...
        obj = find_layout(x, y, self.document)
        # ...

It’s not impossible to move style and layout off the main thread “optimistically”, but these are the reasons it’s challenging. for browsers to do it. I expect that at some point in the future it will be achieved (maybe you’ll be the one to do it?).


This chapter explained in some detail the two-thread rendering system at the core of modern browsers. The main points to remember are:


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