Formatting Text

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In the last chapter, our browser created a graphical window and drew a grid of characters to it. That’s OK for Chinese, but English text features characters of different widths grouped into words that you can’t break across lines.There are lots of languages in the world, and lots of typographic conventions. A real web browser supports every language from Arabic to Zulu, but this book focuses on English. Text is near-infinitely complex, but this book cannot be infinitely long! In this chapter, we’ll add those capabilities. You’ll even be able to read this chapter in your browser!

What is a Font?

So far, we’ve called create_text with a character and two coordinates to write text to the screen. But we never specified its font, size, or style. To talk about those things, we need to create and use font objects.

What is a font, exactly? Well, in the olden days, printers arranged little metal slugs on rails, covered them with ink, and pressed them to a sheet of paper, creating a printed page (see Figure 1). The metal shapes came in boxes, one per letter, so you’d have a (large) box of e’s, a (small) box of x’s, and so on. The boxes came in cases (see Figure 2), one for upper-case and one for lower-case letters. The set of cases was called a font.The word is related to foundry, which would create the little metal shapes. Naturally, if you wanted to print larger text, you needed different (bigger) shapes, so those were a different font; a collection of fonts was called a type, which is why we call it typing. Variations—like bold or italic letters—were called that type’s “faces”.

Figure 1: A drawing of printing press workers. (By Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki. Wikipedia, public domain.)
Figure 2: Metal types in letter cases and a composing stick. (By Willi Heidelbach. Wikipedia, CC BY 2.5.)

This nomenclature reflects the world of the printing press: metal shapes in boxes in cases from different foundries. Our modern world instead has dropdown menus, and the old words no longer match it. “Font” can now mean font, typeface, or type,Let alone “font family”, which can refer to larger or smaller collections of types. and we say a font contains several different weights (like “bold” and “normal”),But sometimes other weights as well, like “light”, “semibold”, “black”, and “condensed”. Good fonts tend to come in many weights. several different styles (like “italic” and “roman”, which is what not-italic is called),Sometimes there are other options as well, like maybe there’s a small-caps version; these are sometimes called options as well. And don’t get me started on automatic versus manual italics. and arbitrary sizes.A font looks especially good at certain sizes where hints tell the computer how best to align it to the pixel grid. Welcome to the world of magic ink.This term comes from an essay by Bret Victor that discusses how the graphical possibilities of computers can make for better and easier-to-use applications.

Yet Tk’s font objects correspond to the older meaning of font: a type at a fixed size, style, and weight. For example:You can only create Font objects, or any other kinds of Tk objects, after calling tkinter.Tk(), and you need to import tkinter.font separately.

import tkinter.font
window = tkinter.Tk()
bi_times = tkinter.font.Font(

Your computer might not have “Times” installed; you can list the available fonts with tkinter.font.families() and pick something else.

Font objects can be passed to create_text’s font argument:

canvas.create_text(200, 100, text="Hi!", font=bi_times)

In the olden times, American typesetters kept their boxes of metal shapes arranged in a California job case, which combined lower- and upper-case letters side by side in one case, making typesetting easier. The upper-/lower-case nomenclature dates from centuries earlier.

Measuring Text

Text takes up space vertically and horizontally, and the font object’s metrics and measure methods measure that space:On your computer, you might get different numbers. That’s right—text rendering is OS-dependent, because it is complex enough that everyone uses one of a few libraries to do it, usually libraries that ship with the OS. That’s why macOS fonts tend to be “blurrier” than the same font on Windows: different libraries make different trade-offs.

>>> bi_times.metrics()
{'ascent': 15, 'descent': 4, 'linespace': 19, 'fixed': 0}
>>> bi_times.measure("Hi!")

The metrics call yields information about the vertical dimensions of the text (see Figure 3): the linespace is how tall the text is, which includes an ascent which goes “above the line” and a descent that goes “below the line”.The fixed parameter is actually a boolean and tells you whether all letters are the same width, so it doesn’t really fit here. The ascent and descent matter when words in different sizes sit on the same line: they ought to line up “along the line”, not along their tops or bottoms.

Figure 3: The various vertical metrics of a font. All glyphs in a font share the same ascent, x-height, and descent, and are laid out on a shared baseline. However, the measure (or advance) of glyphs can differ.

Let’s dig deeper. Remember that bi_times is size-16 Times: why does font.metrics report that it is actually 19 pixels tall? Well, first of all, a size of 16 means 16 points, which are defined as 72nds of an inch, not 16 pixels,Actually, the definition of a “point” is a total mess, with many different length units all called “point” around the world. The Wikipedia page has the details, but a traditional American/British point is actually slightly less than 1/72 of an inch. The 1/72 standard comes from PostScript, but some systems predate it; TeX , for example, hews closer to the traditional point, approximating it as 1/72.27 of an inch. which your monitor probably has around 100 of per inch.Tk doesn’t use points anywhere else in its API. It’s supposed to use pixels if you pass it a negative number, but that doesn’t appear to work. Those 16 points measure not the individual letters but the metal blocks the letters were once carved from, so the letters themselves must be less than 16 points. In fact, different size-16 fonts have letters of varying heights:You might even notice that Times has different metrics in this code block than in the earlier one where we specified a bold, italic Times font. The bold, italic Times font is taller, at least on my current macOS system!

>>> tkinter.font.Font(family="Courier", size=16).metrics()
{'fixed': 1, 'ascent': 13, 'descent': 4, 'linespace': 17}
>>> tkinter.font.Font(family="Times", size=16).metrics()
{'fixed': 0, 'ascent': 14, 'descent': 4, 'linespace': 18}
>>> tkinter.font.Font(family="Helvetica", size=16).metrics()
{'fixed': 0, 'ascent': 15, 'descent': 4, 'linespace': 19}

The measure() method is more direct: it tells you how much horizontal space text takes up, in pixels. This depends on the text, of course, since different letters have different widths:Note that the sum of the individual letters’ lengths is not the length of the word. Tk uses fractional pixels internally, but rounds up to return whole pixels in the measure call. Plus, some fonts use something called kerning to shift letters a little bit when particular pairs of letters are next to one another, or even shaping to make two letters look one glyph.

>>> bi_times.measure("Hi!")
>>> bi_times.measure("H")
>>> bi_times.measure("i")
>>> bi_times.measure("!")
>>> 13 + 5 + 7

You can use this information to lay text out on the page. For example, suppose you want to draw the text “Hello, world!” in two pieces, so that “world!” is italic. Let’s use two fonts:

font1 = tkinter.font.Font(family="Times", size=16)
font2 = tkinter.font.Font(family="Times", size=16, slant='italic')

We can now lay out the text, starting at (200, 200):

x, y = 200, 200
canvas.create_text(x, y, text="Hello, ", font=font1)
x += font1.measure("Hello, ")
canvas.create_text(x, y, text="world!", font=font2)

You should see “Hello,” and “world!”, correctly aligned and with the second word italicized.

Unfortunately, this code has a bug, though one masked by the choice of example text: replace “world!” with “overlapping!” and the two words will overlap. That’s because the coordinates x and y that you pass to create_text tell Tk where to put the center of the text. It only worked for “Hello, world!” because “Hello,” and “world!” are the same length!

Luckily, the meaning of the coordinate you pass in is configurable. We can instruct Tk to treat the coordinate we gave as the top-left corner of the text by setting the anchor argument to "nw", meaning the “northwest” corner of the text:

x, y = 200, 225
canvas.create_text(x, y, text="Hello, ", font=font1, anchor='nw')
x += font1.measure("Hello, ")
    x, y, text="overlapping!", font=font2, anchor='nw')

Modify the draw function to set anchor to "nw"; we didn’t need to do that in the previous chapter because all Chinese characters are the same width.

If you find font metrics confusing, you’re not the only one! In 2012, the Michigan Supreme Court heard Stand Up for Democracy v. Secretary of State, a case ultimately about a ballot referendum’s validity that centered on the definition of font size. The court decided (correctly) that font size is the size of the metal blocks that letters were carved from and not the size of the letters themselves.

Word by Word

In Chapter 2, the layout function looped over the text character by character and moved to the next line whenever we ran out of space. That’s appropriate in Chinese, where each character more or less is a word. But in English you can’t move to the next line in the middle of a word. Instead, we need to lay out the text one word at a time:This code splits words on whitespace. It’ll thus break on Chinese, since there won’t be whitespace between words. Real browsers use language-dependent rules for laying out text, including for identifying word boundaries.

def layout(text):
    # ...
    for word in text.split():
        # ...
    return display_list

Unlike Chinese characters, words are different sizes, so we need to measure the width of each word:

import tkinter.font

def layout(text):
    font = tkinter.font.Font()
    # ...
    for word in text.split():
        w = font.measure(word)
    # ...

Here I’ve chosen to use Tk’s default font. Now, if we draw the text at cursor_x, its right end would be at cursor_x + w. That might be past the right edge of the page, and in this case we need to make space by wrapping to the next line:

def layout(text):
    for word in text.split():
        # ...
        if cursor_x + w > WIDTH - HSTEP:
            cursor_y += font.metrics("linespace") * 1.25
            cursor_x = HSTEP

Note that this code block only shows the insides of the for loop. The rest of layout should be left alone. Also, I call metrics with an argument; that just returns the named metric directly. Finally, note that I multiply the linespace by 1.25 when incrementing y. Try removing the multiplier: you’ll see that the text is harder to read because the lines are too close together.Designers say the text is too “tight”. Instead, it is common to add “line spacing” or “leading”So named because in metal type days, thin pieces of lead were placed between the lines to space them out. Lead is a softer metal than what the actual letter pieces were made of, so it could compress a little to keep pressure on the other pieces. Pronounce it “led-ing” not “leed-ing”. between lines. The 25% line spacing is a typical amount.

So now cursor_x and cursor_y have the location to the start of the word, so we add to the display list and update cursor_x to point to the end of the word:

def layout(text):
    for word in text.split():
        # ...
        display_list.append((cursor_x, cursor_y, word))
        cursor_x += w + font.measure(" ")

I increment cursor_x by w + font.measure(" ") instead of w because I want to have spaces between the words: the call to split() removed all of the whitespace, and this adds it back. I don’t add the space to w in the if condition, though, because you don’t need a space after the last word on a line.

Breaking lines in the middle of a word is called hyphenation, and can be turned on via the hyphens CSS property. The state of the art is the Knuth–Liang hyphenation algorithm, which uses a dictionary of word fragments to prioritize possible hyphenation points. At first, the CSS specification was incompatible with this algorithm, but the recent text-wrap-style property fixed that.

Styling Text

Right now, all of the text on the page is drawn with one font. But web pages sometimes specify that text should be bold or italic using the <b> and <i> tags. It’d be nice to support that, but right now, the code resists this: the layout function only receives the text of the page as input, and so has no idea where the bold and italics tags are.

Let’s change lex to return a list of tokens, where a token is either a Text object (for a run of characters outside a tag) or a Tag object (for the contents of a tag). You’ll need to write the Text and Tag classes:If you’re familiar with Python, you might want to use the dataclass library, which makes it easier to define these sorts of utility classes.

class Text:
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text

class Tag:
    def __init__(self, tag):
        self.tag = tag

lex must now gather text into Text and Tag objects:If you’ve done some or all of the exercises in prior chapters, your code will look different. Code snippets in the book always assume you haven’t done the exercises, so you’ll need to port your modifications.

def lex(body):
    out = []
    buffer = ""
    in_tag = False
    for c in body:
        if c == "<":
            in_tag = True
            if buffer: out.append(Text(buffer))
            buffer = ""
        elif c == ">":
            in_tag = False
            buffer = ""
            buffer += c
    if not in_tag and buffer:
    return out

Here I’ve renamed the text variable to buffer, since it now stores either text or tag contents before they can be used. The name also reminds us that, at the end of the loop, we need to check whether there’s buffered text and what we should do with it. Here, lex dumps any accumulated text as a Text object. Otherwise, if you never saw an angle bracket, you’d return an empty list of tokens. But unfinished tags, like in Hi!<hr, are thrown out.This may strike you as an odd decision: why not finish up the tag for the author? I don’t know, but dropping the tag is what browsers do.

Note that Text and Tag are asymmetric: lex avoids empty Text objects, but not empty Tag objects. That’s because an empty Tag object represents the HTML code <>, while an empty Text object represents no content at all.

Since we’ve modified lex, we are now passing layout not just the text of the page, but also the tags in it. So layout must loop over tokens, not text:

def layout(tokens):
    # ...
    for tok in tokens:
        if isinstance(tok, Text):
            for word in tok.text.split():
                # ...
    # ...

layout can also examine tag tokens to change font when directed by the page. Let’s start with support for weights and styles, with two corresponding variables:

weight = "normal"
style = "roman"

Those variables must change when the bold and italics open and close tags are seen:

if isinstance(tok, Text):
    # ...
elif tok.tag == "i":
    style = "italic"
elif tok.tag == "/i":
    style = "roman"
elif tok.tag == "b":
    weight = "bold"
elif tok.tag == "/b":
    weight = "normal"

Note that this code correctly handles not only <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> text, but also <b><i>bold italic</i></b> text.It even handles incorrectly nested tags like <b>b<i>bi</b>i</i>, but it does not handle <b><b>twice</b>bolded</b> text. We’ll return to this in Chapter 6.

The style and weight variables are used to select the font:

if isinstance(tok, Text):
    for word in tok.text.split():
        font = tkinter.font.Font(
        # ...

Since the font is computed in layout but used in draw, we’ll need to add the font used to each entry in the display list:

if isinstance(tok, Text):
    for word in tok.text.split():
        # ...
        display_list.append((cursor_x, cursor_y, word, font))

Make sure to update draw to expect and use this extra font field in display list entries.

Italic fonts were developed in Italy (hence the name) to mimic a cursive handwriting style called “chancery hand”. Non-italic fonts are called roman because they mimic text on Roman monuments. There is an obscure third option: oblique fonts, which look like roman fonts but are slanted.

A Layout Object

With all of these tags, layout has become quite large, with lots of local variables and some complicated control flow. That is one sign that something deserves to be a class, not a function:

class Layout:
    def __init__(self, tokens):
        self.display_list = []

Every local variable in layout then becomes a field of Layout:

self.cursor_x = HSTEP
self.cursor_y = VSTEP
self.weight = "normal" = "roman"

The core of the old layout is a loop over tokens, and we can move the body of that loop to a method on Layout:

def __init__(self, tokens):
    # ...
    for tok in tokens:

def token(self, tok):
    if isinstance(tok, Text):
        for word in tok.text.split():
            # ...
    elif tok.tag == "i": = "italic"
    # ...

In fact, the body of the isinstance(tok, Text) branch can be moved to its own method:

def word(self, word):
    font = tkinter.font.Font(
    w = font.measure(word)
    # ...

Now that everything has moved out of Browser’s old layout function, it can be replaced with calls into Layout:

class Browser:
    def load(self, url):
        body = url.request()
        tokens = lex(body)
        self.display_list = Layout(tokens).display_list

When you do big refactors like this, it’s important to work incrementally. It might seem more efficient to change everything at once, but that efficiency brings with it a risk of failure: trying to do so much that you get confused and have to abandon the whole refactor. So take a moment to test that your browser still works before you move on.

Anyway, this refactor isolated all of the text-handling code into its own method, with the main token function just branching on the tag name. Let’s take advantage of the new, cleaner organization to add more tags. With font weights and styles working, size is the next frontier in typographic sophistication. One simple way to change font size is the <small> tag and its deprecated sister tag <big>.In your web design projects, use the CSS font-size property to change text size instead of <big> and <small>. But since we haven’t yet implemented CSS for our browser (see Chapter 6), we’re stuck using tags here.

Our experience with font styles and weights suggests a simple approach that customizes the size field in Layout. It starts out with:

self.size = 12

That variable is used to create the font object:

font = tkinter.font.Font(

And we can change the size in <big> and <small> tags by updating this variable:

def token(self, tok):
    # ...
    elif tok.tag == "small":
        self.size -= 2
    elif tok.tag == "/small":
        self.size += 2
    elif tok.tag == "big":
        self.size += 4
    elif tok.tag == "/big":
        self.size -= 4

Try wrapping a whole paragraph in <small>, like you would a bit of fine print, and enjoy your newfound typographical freedom.

All of <b>, <i>, <big>, and <small> date from an earlier, pre-CSS era of the web. Nowadays, CSS can change how an element appears, so visual tag names like <b> and <small> are out of favor. That said, <b>, <i>, and <small> still have some appearance-independent meanings.

Text of Different Sizes

Start mixing font sizes, like <small>a</small><big>A</big>, and you’ll quickly notice a problem with the font size code: the text is aligned along its top, as if it’s hanging from a clothes line. But you know that English text is typically written with all letters aligned at an invisible baseline instead.

Let’s think through how to fix this. If the bigger text is moved up, it would overlap with the previous line, so the smaller text has to be moved down. That means its vertical position has to be computed later, after the big text passes through token. But since the small text comes through the loop first, we need a two-pass algorithm for lines of text: the first pass identifies what words go in the line and computes their x positions, while the second pass vertically aligns the words and computes their y positions (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: How lines are laid out when multiple fonts are involved. All words are drawn using a shared baseline. The ascent and descent of the whole line is then determined by the maximum ascent and descent of all words in the line, and leading is added before and after the line.

Let’s start with phase one. Since one line contains text from many tags, we need a field on Layout to store the line-to-be. That field, line, will be a list, and text will add words to it instead of to the display list. Entries in line will have x but not y positions, since y positions aren’t computed in the first phase:

class Layout:
    def __init__(self, tokens):
        # ...
        self.line = []
        # ...
    def word(self, word):
        # ...
        self.line.append((self.cursor_x, word, font))

The new line field is essentially a buffer, where words are held temporarily before they can be placed. The second phase is that buffer being flushed when we’re finished with a line:

class Layout:
    def word(self, word):
        if self.cursor_x + w > WIDTH - HSTEP:

As usual with buffers, we also need to make sure the buffer is flushed once all tokens are processed:

class Layout:
    def __init__(self, tokens):
        # ...

This new flush function has three responsibilities:

  1. it must align the words along the baseline (see Figure 5);
  2. it must add all those words to the display list; and
  3. it must update the cursor_x and cursor_y fields.

Here’s what it looks like, step by step:

Figure 5: Aligning the words on a line.

Since we want words to line up “on the line”, let’s start by computing where that line should be. That depends on the tallest word on the line:

def flush(self):
    if not self.line: return
    metrics = [font.metrics() for x, word, font in self.line]
    max_ascent = max([metric["ascent"] for metric in metrics])

The baseline is then max_ascent below self.cursor_y—or actually a little more to account for the leading:Actually, 25% leading doesn’t add 25% of the ascent above the ascender and 25% of the descent below the descender. Instead, it adds 12.5% of the line height in both places, which is subtly different when fonts are mixed. But let’s skip that subtlety here.

baseline = self.cursor_y + 1.25 * max_ascent

Now that we know where the line is, we can place each word relative to that line and add it to the display list:

for x, word, font in self.line:
    y = baseline - font.metrics("ascent")
    self.display_list.append((x, y, word, font))

Note how y starts at the baseline, and moves up by just enough to accommodate that word’s ascent. Now cursor_y must move far enough down below baseline to account for the deepest descender:

max_descent = max([metric["descent"] for metric in metrics])
self.cursor_y = baseline + 1.25 * max_descent

Finally, flush must update the Layout’s cursor_x and line fields:

self.cursor_x = HSTEP
self.line = []

Now all the text is aligned along the line, even when text sizes are mixed. Plus, this new flush function is convenient for other line-breaking jobs. For example, in HTML the <br> tagWhich is a self-closing tag, so there’s no </br>. Many tags that are content, instead of annotating it, are like this. Some people like adding a final slash to self-closing tags, as in <br/>, but this is not required in HTML. ends the current line and starts a new one:

def token(self, tok):
    # ...
    elif tok.tag == "br":

Likewise, paragraphs are defined by the <p> and </p> tags, so </p> also ends the current line:

def token(self, tok):
    # ...
    elif tok.tag == "/p":
        self.cursor_y += VSTEP

I add a bit extra to cursor_y here to create a little gap between paragraphs.

By this point you should be able to load up your browser and display an example page, which should look something like Figure 6.

Figure 6: Screenshot of a web page demonstrating different text sizes.

Actually, browsers support not only horizontal but also vertical writing systems, like some traditional East Asian writing styles. A particular challenge is Mongolian script, which is written in lines running top to bottom, left to right. Many Mongolian government websites use the script.

Font Caching

Now that you’ve implemented styled text, you’ve probably noticed—unless you’re on macOSWhile we can’t confirm this in the documentation, it seems that the macOS “Core Text” APIs cache fonts more aggressively than Linux and Windows. The optimization described in this section won’t hurt any on macOS, but also won’t improve speed as much as on Windows and Linux.—that on a large web page like this chapter our browser has slowed significantly from the previous chapter. That’s because text layout, and specifically the part where you measure each word, is quite slow.You can profile Python programs by replacing your python3 command with python3 -m cProfile. Look for the lines corresponding to the measure and metrics calls to see how much time is spent measuring text.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to make text measurement much faster. With proportional fonts and complex font features like hinting and kerning, measuring text can require pretty complex computations. But on a large web page, some words likely appear a lot—for example, this chapter includes the word “the” over 200 times. Instead of measuring these words over and over again, we could measure them once, and then cache the results. On normal English text, this usually results in a substantial speedup.

Caching is such a good idea that most text libraries already implement it, typically caching text measurements in each Font object. But since our text method creates a new Font object for each word, the caching is ineffective. To make caching work, we need to reuse Font objects when possible instead of making new ones.

We’ll store our cache in a global FONTS dictionary:

FONTS = {}

The keys to this dictionary will be size/weight/style triples, and the values will be Font objects.Actually, the values are a font object and a tkinter.Label object. This dramatically improves the performance of metrics for some reason, and is recommended by the Python documentation. We can put the caching logic itself in a new get_font function:

def get_font(size, weight, style):
    key = (size, weight, style)
    if key not in FONTS:
        font = tkinter.font.Font(size=size, weight=weight,
        label = tkinter.Label(font=font)
        FONTS[key] = (font, label)
    return FONTS[key][0]

Then the word method can call get_font instead of creating a Font object directly:

class Layout:
    def word(self, word):
        font = get_font(self.size, self.weight,
        # ...

Now identical words will use identical fonts and text measurements will hit the cache.

Fonts for scripts like Chinese can be megabytes in size, so they are generally stored on disk and only loaded into memory on demand. That makes font loading slow and caching even more important. Browsers also have extensive caches for measuring, shaping, and rendering text. Because web pages have a lot of text, these caches turn out to be one of the most important parts of speeding up rendering.


The previous chapter introduced a browser that laid out characters in a grid. Now it does standard English text layout, so:

You can now use our browser to read an essay, a blog post, or even a book!



The complete set of functions, classes, and methods in our browser should look something like this:

class URL: def __init__(url) def request() class Text: def __init__(text) class Tag: def __init__(tag) def lex(body) FONTS def get_font(size, weight, style) WIDTH, HEIGHT HSTEP, VSTEP class Layout: def __init__(tokens) def token(tok) def flush() def word(word) SCROLL_STEP class Browser: def __init__() def draw() def load(url) def scrolldown(e)


3-1 Centered text. The page titles on this book’s website are centered; make your browser do the same for text between <h1 class="title"> and </h1>. Each line has to be centered individually, because different lines will have different lengths.In early HTML there was a <center> tag that did exactly this, but nowadays centering is typically done in CSS, through the text-align property. The approach in this exercise is of course non-standard, and just for learning purposes.

3-2 Superscripts. Add support for the <sup> tag. Text in this tag should be smaller (perhaps half the normal text size) and be placed so that the top of a superscript lines up with the top of a normal letter.

3-3 Soft hyphens. The soft hyphen character, written \N{soft hyphen} in Python, represents a place where the text renderer can, but doesn’t have to, insert a hyphen and break the word across lines. Add support for it.If you’ve done Exercise 1-4 on HTML entities, you might also want to add support for the &shy; entity, which expands to a soft hyphen. If a word doesn’t fit at the end of a line, check if it has soft hyphens, and if so break the word across lines. Remember that a word can have multiple soft hyphens in it, and make sure to draw a hyphen when you break a word. The word “super­cali­fragi­listic­expi­ali­docious” is a good test case.

3-4 Small caps. Make the <abbr> element render text in small caps, like this. Inside an <abbr> tag, lower-case letters should be small, capitalized, and bold, while all other characters (upper case, numbers, etc.) should be drawn in the normal font.

3-5 Preformatted text. Add support for the <pre> tag. Unlike normal paragraphs, text inside <pre> tags doesn’t automatically break lines, and whitespace like spaces and newlines are preserved. Use a fixed-width font like Courier New or SFMono as well. Make sure tags work normally inside <pre> tags: it should be possible to bold some text inside a <pre>. The results will look best if you also do Exercise 1-4.

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